Rank | AC2 |
Service # | R297357 |
Unit # | RCAF |
Born 25/02/1925 in St. Thomas, ON., the son of James Joseph and Ursula (nee Canning) who were living at 235 Thames St., Chatham, ON.
The CDN 30/ 11/43 reported that Bernard, then living at 235 Thames St., Chatham, had enlisted in the RCAF. Transferred to the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, service number unknown.
Bernard served overseas for fourteen months before returning to Canada and was discharged from the army 29/08/1945 from the R.C.C.of S.
Married to Moyra (2008), father of Kathryn, David, Karen, Jeffery and John. He was employed by Ontario Hydro first in Chatham, then Ottawa and finally Belleville, ON. when he retired. A 38 year member of the Royal Canadian Legion.
Bernard passed away 25/02/2015 at his home on the Moira River near Belleville.
Sources | IODE(N), CCI-RH, BSWV, CDN 29/08/45. |
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