Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box: 6736-24 Item Number: 147449. Date of Birth: 12/08/1883 at Chatham, ON. He was living on Adelaide St., Chatham when he enlisted. The husband of Vera Edith McDonald of Chaplin, SK. The father of Carl (9), Orlo (6) and Harvey (4), at his enlistment. He was an engineer by trade. Sapper John A. McDonald left Canada in May 1916, for overseas, proceeding to France September 10th, 1916.
Attestaion: 22/12/ 1915 at Calgary AB. To the 98th Batt. at the age of 32 years. Jack embarked in Canada 21/05/16 and arrived in England 30/05/16. Once overseas he joined the 4th Field Troop – CE as a driver in 11th Batt. CE.
He was hospitalized at 51st General Hospital, Estaples from 13/05/1919 until 6/06/1919.
He was discharge from service 27/07/1919
After the war he was the the city Manager of Chatham.
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (16-05-1917), IODE-IS, (J. Goodreau), LAC |
Height | 5'6" |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 33 |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Chatham, Ontario |
Religion | Presbyterian |
Last Place of Employment | Calgary, Alberta |
Average Earnings | $ 3.00 per day |
Marital Status | Married |
Marriage Info | May 16th, 1907, Chatham, Ontario |
When Enlisted | December 10th, 1916 |
Where Enlisted | Calgary, Alberta |
Allowance from Patriotic Fund | $ 20.50 per month |
Next of Kin | Wife- Mrs. Vera E. McDonald, Chatham. Children- Carl Charles McDonald, Orlo J. McDonald and Harvey J. McDonald |
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