Rank | Gunner |
Service # | A22674 |
Unit # | Royal Canadian Artillery, Perth Regt. |
Resident | 106 St. George St., Chatham |

Clifford enlisted with the Essex Scottish Regt. 15/07/1940. He trained in Halifax and Newfoundland with the Royal Canadian Artillery. He was reported serving overseas in the CDN 14/03/44.
Served overseas from February 1945 to March 7th, 1946.
Discharged March 1946.
The son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Martin of 106 St. George St., Chatham, ON. The husband of Beatrice (nee Labombarbe), father of Barbara(Houle), Marie (Myers), Joyce (Tiffin), Gail (Kolhoff), Sam, Ray and Donna (Quinn).
Cliffiord passed away 16/01/99. LM-LP.
Sources | CFF-FD44, IODE(P)., LM-LP. |
Birthplace | Arkons, Ontario |
Religion | Church of Christ |
When Enlisted | July 1940 |
Next of Kin | Father- Mr. Mr. Wallace Martin |
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