Unit # | RCNVR |
Harold enlisted in July 1944 and served in the RCNVR during WWII.
Bedford Magazine Explosion, 18-19 July 1945, initiated when an ammunition barge blew up at the naval magazine jetty on Bedford Basin, Halifax harbour. Fire spread quickly to adjacent piles of ammunition, which had been temporarily stored outside because of overcrowding in the main compound. A chain reaction of fire, explosion and concussion rocked Halifax for a day.
Contingency plans existed for such an accident, and by late July 18, much of Halifax’s northern half had been evacuated smoothly. None of the explosions approached the force of the 1917 Halifax Explosion, but shattered windows, cracked plaster, occasional minor injuries and one death were reported. The community felt a lingering resentment towards the navy after the V-E Day riots but voluntary firefighting by naval personnel at the ammunition depot largely offset this negative feeling.
Harold received a Commendation for his actions fighting the fires that resulted from the explosion as follows:
“The explosion of the Naval Magazine, Bedford, Halifax in July of 1945, this rating was at the South jetty when the first explosion took place. He immediately went to the north gate, returning with fire apparatus, which he helped to man. He was continuously on duty for four days. His devotion to duty and courage was outstanding.
Harold’s brother Roy Edward also served in the Navy aboard a minesweeper.
The husband of Emilie, the father of Wayne, Dennis and Ron. He owned ad operated a British American gas station then as a distributor of Gulf Oil in the Blenheim area until he retired .
Harold passed away 4/11/2014, age 88 years, at Meadow Park Nursing Home, internment at Pardoville Union Cemetery, Raleigh Twsp., Kent Co., ON. CDN-Obit 5/11/14.
Supplemental Information | Born in Raleigh Twsp., Kent Co., ON. 14/04/1926 the son on Roy and Mary (nee Stoner), the brother of Bob, George, Roy and Madeline (Turner). The husband of Emilie (20/05/14); the father of Dennis and Ron. He attended public school in Chatham attending Queen Mary on Queen St. Prior to his enlistment he was working at the Canadian Top & Body Co., in Tilbury. |
Birthplace | Raleigh Twsp., Kent Co., ON. |
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