Ref No. RG150, Accession 1992-93, Box 5926-1, Item: 196154, PDF: B5926-S001. 7th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Born 14/11/1883 in London, England. Married to Margret Mary, living in Wallaceburg, ON. where he worked as a farm labourer. Next of Kin: Margaret Mary (wife) at Keith, Wallaceburg, ON. He had previously served in the Royal Marines for 3 years 272 days. Attestation: 15/09/1915 at Chatham, ON., age of 31 years, 5’ 9 ½”, Scar on back of head and tattoo on right forearm. He had been living in Dresden. To 7th CMR – o/s. LAC-FMF.
Sidney was assigned to the Squadron Staff of the 7th CMR Divisional Calvary. 3/09/15. After spending 13 months in Flanders, Belgium he fell ill with Malaria 25/04/15 and was released 12/05/15. His later problems were with his feet, aka: Trench Foot.
He was reported a deformity in his toes on his left foot and was admitted to hospital 7/10/16 at 3rd North General Hospital – Shiffield, England. He was transferred to Moore Barracks at Shorncliffe 26/11/16 and then transferred to the Military Hospital at Shorncliffe for further treatment and was discharged 14/12/16.
Though his foot got no worse it was determined that he was “No longer fit for war service” as to Para: 392 of the Section 16 Kings Royal Orders 1912 and he was discharged to Canada. He sailed from Liverpool to Canad aboard the S.S. Metagama. He was in a convalescent home in Canada until be discharged from the army 25/01/1919.
From his Medical Board in Canada the following
“[Stanley Markham] Has Trench Foot (left). Causing the great toe as well as 2nd and 3rd toes to be flexed to about 145 degrees with partial anklyosis of the metatarso-phalageal joint of the great toe, preventing extension beyond a straight line of the foot. The joint is very painful if extension of the toe is attempted.
Walks on the outside of his foot with a considerable limp and can only walk about half a mile without rest.
As part of his discharge he wanted a properly fitted boot. He reported that he had an opportunity for a mail route and was “Anxious to do it.” It was reported that he was married with six children
His Medical Board ok’ed his discharge as medically unfit.
Curator Note: My paternal grandfather Arthur G. Hind was a shoe maker and had a wall of plaster cast of mishapened feet, probably clients from WWI and WWII. I was fascinated by them as a young boy would. Sadly when he passed they were thrown out. JRH.
Sources | Chatham Daily News (08-09-1945) |
Height | 5'9 3/4" |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 34 |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | London, England |
Religion | Methodist |
Last Place of Employment | Frank Shaw, Farmer |
Average Earnings | $ 35.00 per month and board |
Marital Status | Married |
Marriage Info | January 19th, 1905, London, England |
When Enlisted | January 25th, 1915 |
Where Enlisted | Chatham, Ontario |
Allowance from Patriotic Fund | $ 30.00 per month |
Next of Kin | Wife- Mrs. S. Markham, Dresden |
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