The son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mallett of 199 King St., East, Chatham, ON.
Harry enlisted in August of 1943, at London, trained at Orillia, Camp Borden and at Debert, Nova Scotia. Went overseas December 1945 until January 1946. His father was in threat War. CDN 22/01/45. Harry’s father served in the Great War going overseas with the 186th and then to the 18th Batt. The CDN 22/01/45 reported as serving overseas.
Discharged January 1946.
Sources | IODE(P), CDN (2), RLC |
Birthplace | St. Thomas, Ontario |
Religion | United Church |
Marital Status | Married |
When Enlisted | August 13th, 1943 |
Next of Kin | Wife- Mrs. Dorothy Mallett |
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