Rank | Lieutenant |
Unit # | Army |
The son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. MacLean of Tilbury. He was educated at Weston High School and the University of Toronto, he received hia B.A.Science degree in 1940. Prior to his enlistment in August of 1942 he managed the fuse department in a Toronto munitions plant.
It was reported in the TT 5/11/42 that Lieut. MacLean had graduated from the Canadian Officers Training Centre, Brockville, ON the week before his embarkment for overseas. He and his wife were moving to Barriefield where the Lieut. had been transferred. In March of 1943 Lieut. MacLean and his wife were living in London when he was on a week-end leave to visit his parents. TT 4/03/43. He was reported that he had been appointed an instructor at Barriefield Camp, Kingston, ON. TT 6/05/43 / CDN 1/05/43. The CDN 3/12/43 reported that after a two week leave spent in Tilbury with his wife and baby son along with his parents, he had to return to duty..
It was reported in the CDN 29/02/44 that Lieut. MacLean had safely arrived overseas.
Sources | TT, CDN, ST |
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