Of R. R. # 6 Chatham, The son of Mr. and Mrs. William Leach of Park Avenue West, Chatham ON. He had a brother Fred an AC1 with the RCAF at South Maitland NS., another brother Percy in the RCNVR, a third brother was reporting for military duty in November of 1944. A brother-in-law Cpl. Harry Hammond was serving in the RCAF.
The CDN 31/10/44 reported LAC Leach enlisted in March of 1943. He trained at Edmonton, Calgary Vulcan, Brandon, Fingal and Lachine PQ. He was reported October 1944, overseas and repairing airplane wings. He found that the training he received at the Chatham Vocational School under Mr. Emery was very useful in his present duties.
Trained in Alberta Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Posted overseas May 1944 and served in England and France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. Awarded the usual decorations.
Reported sailing on troopship “Pasteur” for Halifax expected to arrive 5 September, 1945. CDN 29/08/45.
Discharged October 16th, 1945.
Sources | IODE(P), VR, CDN |
Birthplace | Raleigh Township, Ontario |
Religion | Protestant |
Marital Status | Married |
When Enlisted | February 1943 |
Next of Kin | Wife- Mrs. Margaret Jessie Leach |
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