Rank | Private |
Service # | A49851 |
The WN 27/01/44 reported Pte. Lauwereys stationed at No. 1 Transit Camp at Windsor, NS. A later WN (date unknown) reported Joseph at No .3 Cdn. Infantry Reserve Unit overseas.
Soldiers of the the Perth Regt. fought under Captain W. J. (Sammy) Ridge, have plenty of incidents to mull over at chim wag sessions as a result of the pursuit battle they fought after passing through the Hitler line the night of 24-25 May.
Soldiers manning the mortors included Pts. Goodwood, Harwood, Milne, Joseph Lauwereys of Wallaceburg, Auffret, Gaidy Sulston Smith, and Sgt. Ische.
The company then pushed on to the outskirts of Ceprano where enemy machine-gun fire was encountered. Four machine-gun sections were sneaked into town and from upper windows of a convent, abandoned by the Germans, they opened fire on 15 Germans. Some were wounded and the others surrendered.
About the same time a RECCE patrol spotted a group of German half-tracked vehicles. Taking a Piat gun a Cpl. Derrick got within 80 yards of one of the vehicles and fired. The vehicles blew up and the Germans were killed.
Sources | TUCW-RH, W-RH |
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