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Rank Flying Officer(P), AC2, LAC
Service # J43314
Unit # R.C.A.F.

The son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kemble of 17 Gray St., Chatham, ON.CDN 22/07/42  It was reported that Jack departed for Hamilton, ON. to begin his RCAF training. CDN 10/09/42 Jack was home again on a week-end leave to visit his parents. CDN 17/11/42 In December of 1942 Jack was stationed at Lachine, PQ. when he was home on a Christmas leave to visit his parents. CDN 28/12/42.

The CDN 2/02/43 reported that AC2 Jack Kemble of RCAF Lachine was home over the weekend visiting his parents. The CDN 24/12/43 reported LAC Kemble stationed at RCAF-Uplands was home visiting his parents.

The CDN 24/12/43 reported LAC Kemble stationed at RCAF-Uplands was home visiting his parents.

In February of 1944 Jack was reported returning to RCAF-Uplands after a “few days” spent with his mother and father. CDN 7/02/44  The CDN 11/04/44 reported that Jack was on leave at his parents. He would leave for further training in Nova Scotia once his leave was over. The CDN 25/05/44 reported that Pilot Officer Kemble was stationed overseas. 

Reported arriving Halifax NS. 29/09/45. CDN 26/09/45.



Sources CDN (26-09-1945)

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