Born 23/05/1924 in Merlin, Raleigh Twsp., Kent Co., ON. Son of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Jones of Merlin, brother of Max Ervin (R289826). Gerald was educated in Merlin and Chatham.
He enlisted in the RCAF at Windsor, ON. 20/04/1943. He trained in Toronto, Trenton, ON. and at Brandon MB. The Merlin Standard (1944 date unknown) reported that Sgt. Jones along with Sgt. L. Pegg and Sgt. L. Campbell were all on a 31 day leave prior to going overseas. For four months before going overseas in January 1944 to be stationed in England.
Next of Kin: Wife Mrs. Jean E. Jones. Address at Enlistment: 17 Aberdeen Street, Merlin. He trained in Toronto, Trenton, ON. and at Brandon MB.
The MS 28/06/44 reported Gerald M. Lones, WAG with the RCAF. He was returning home after joining the services 21/04/43, arriving overseas 3/02/44 and completed “his tour of operations
Gerald made 34 successful missions as a mid-upper gunner in Lancaster bomber “G”, over enemy territory plus two aborted missions, (no bombs dropped) without being wounded. He made several night missions on the Rhur Valley in Germany, also the battles around Caen in Normandy, France. He was returned to Canada 24/12/1944, he was discharged some time later.
Date of Death: November 24, 2009 at age 85 years.
Veteran’s Story: Gerald’s daughter writes: Gerald M. Jones was in the RCAF during WW 2 and was attached to the RAF as a mid-upper gunner of a Lancaster bomber which made 32 trips over Germany. His crew completed 30 of their missions by dropping their bombs. He joined the service April 27, 1943 and was sent overseas January 01, 1944 to December 13, 1944.
Gerald returned to Canada December 14, 1944 and was discharged 20 March 1945 to return home to Canada.
Note: In September of 1940, Winston Churchill is quoted as saying, “The fighters are our salvation, but the bombers are our means of victory.”
Sources | PA/GWI, MCS43, RCLM, BFL-B, CDN (21-12-2009) |
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