The son of Robert and Sarah (nee Henneker) of 42 Prince St. South, Chatham, ON. Brother of Mildred (Wood). The husband of Shirley (nee Campbell) and father of Lynda (Gordon), Sandra (Smith), Mary Lou, Elizabeth (Robinson) David, Barry and Robert. CDN 11/11/99 additional information from C. Gordon-email.
From Chatham, ON. Attended Chatham Collegiate Institute. In IODE Books of Remembrance with a photograph.
In service with the Navy four years and eight months. Promoted to Leading Telegraphist and received the ordinary service medals. Made eight trips overseas.
Telegraphist Jackson was home on a furlough to visit family and friends was reported to be returning to his duties. CDN 30/05/42
Discharged October 1st, 1945.
Lyman passed away 31 January, 1993 and is buried in the Arnold Cemetery, Chatham-Kent.
Awards | WT |
Sources | CDN (26/10/45, 19/03/46, 10/11/07), IODE(P), CFF-FD44, CCI-RH, LM-LP |
Birthplace | Chatham, Ontario |
Religion | United Church |
When Enlisted | April 1941 |
Next of Kin | Mother- Mrs. Sarrah Jackson |
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