The son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Huckle formerly of Chatham but residing in Windsor in 1945.
Served with the 2nd Kent Regiment.
Trained at Lachine, Quebec and completed training in December 1943. Posted overseas in March 1944. After completing one tour of operations consisting of thirty two trips was posted back to Canada, in February of 1945, and put on the General Reserve List.
The CDN 1/03/45 reported that Flt. Sgt. had arrived in Chatham after competing his tour of duty of 32 operational flights over Holland and Germany CDN 3/03/45(P). In an interview with a CDN reporter Clarence confided that he had, “never had the opportunity to fire his guns at a German fighter.” He said that the German fighter were not that numerous and his pilot was a “cracker-jack” flyer, F/O Taylor Love of Winnipeg. F/O Love was very good at taking “evasive action” in tough situations
Murray said that he was serving with a ‘special force’ of RAF bombers but could not elaborate what they were doing. He did admit that his plane had three or four “close calls’ from german flak but were never in serious situations.
Murray had celebrated his 19th birthday in November of 1944 in a bomber over Karlsruhe, Germany.
Discharged April 19th, 1945.
Afa: ,
Sources | CFF-FD44, KCFA, IODE(P), StAUC-RH |
Birthplace | Blenheim, Ontario |
Religion | United Church |
When Enlisted | 1943 |
Next of Kin | Mother- Mrs. C. M. Huckle |
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