Regimental number: 3131622, Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box: 4517 – 3: Item: 470342 PDF: B4517 – S003 Date of Birth: 1/03/1897 at Chatham, ON. Son of Cadmus and Bella Hosey of 277 Park Ave. East, Chatham, ON. A labourer. MSA 719073 AC. Next of Kin: Cadmus – father. Attestation: 9/01/1918 at London, ON. to 1st WOR at 20 yrs. 10 mos. 5’ 71/2 “
Private Hosey left for overseas with a draft from the W.O.R. in Jan. 1918, and after training with the 4th Reserve Battalion, Witley Camp, England, proceeded to France in July 1918, to the 47th Canadian Battalion.
In the advance to Valenciennes, Nov. 1, 1918, he was killed in action.
According to the CDP 11/01/18 Stanley along with Frank Taylor Had broken into the Grand Trunk Railway Station express office on 20 Ecember 1917 and relieved the station of several cases of whisky. Both pleded guilty. The lawyer for the two stated that “Hosey had, since being remanded to jail had been notified to report for military duty at London, ON. and that given a chance was prepared to go into training. Taylor pledged guilty. The magistrate ordered Chief to confirm this information and Stanley was remanded.
It would appear from his actions that the army might not have been the best for Stanley as he had been arrested by Sgt. Dezelia on a charge of desertion, they found him in down town Chatham in a pool room. Stanley was placed in a cell at the Chatham Police HQ pending the arrival of a military escort
Stanley embarked at Halifax, NS. 24/o3/18 aboard the S. S. Grampian and arrived in England 3/04/18. Arrived in France 25/03/18 and taken TOS with 4th Cdn. Reserve 6/04/1
The Chatham Daily Planet front page announced 16/11/18 “Pte. Hosey Given His Life”. He was reported KIA. The Director of Records, Ottawa reported “Deeply regret to inform you 3131622 Pte. Stanley Hosey , infantry officially reported killed in action on 1 November (1918). He had gone overseas in January, trained for three months in England before going to France an was attached to the 47th Batt. at the time of his death.
A letter from Captain A. Barnes, reported that Stanley : Was advancing to take the city of Valenciennes, a shell exploded near him and a piece of Shrapnel struck him killing him instantly. Pte Hosey had been with the Battalion for some time and was well liked by all who came in contact with him. He had been through several hard fights doing very good work and he died like a true soldier of Canada.
The A.M.E. Church held a memorial service with a large attendance as well as members of the Great War Veterens’ Association.
Stanley was the last soldier from Chatham or Kent County to be killed in the Great War.
HOSEY, Initials: S. Nationality: Canadian, Rank: Private, Regiment: Canadian Infantry (Western Ontario Regiment) Unit ; 47th Batt. Date of Death: 1/11/1918. Service No. 3131622 Casualty Type, Commowealth War Dead Grave / Memorial Reference: A.2 14. Cemetery: AULNOY COMMUNAL CEMETERY, Nord, France. Photo of grave marker and cemetery. .
The Memorial Cross and scroll went to Mrs. Albert List at 189 Wellington St. East, Chatham, ON #418264
Cenotaph | Chatham and Kent County Cenotaph - Chatham |
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (16-11-1918), Chatham Daily Planet (02-12-1918), Chatham Daily Planet (09-12-1918), Chatham Daily Planet (27-09-1919), LAC-FMF, CVWM |
Height | 5'7" |
Eye Colour | brown |
Age | 20'7" |
Complexion | dark |
Hair | black |
Race | colored |
Birthplace | Chatham Ontario |
Religion | B.M.E. |
Marital Status | single |
When Enlisted | Jan 1918 |
Where Enlisted | London Ontario |
Next of Kin | Mother: Mrs. Belle Hosey, Chatham |
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