Rank | Corporal |
Service # | A67993 |
Unit # | R.C.A.S.C. |
From Chatham, ON. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Correll Hooker of Blenheim, ON., brother of Lewis (CAMC).
Wesley enlisted in 1942 in Windsor, ON. Trained at No. 12 BTC. in Chatham, ON., Brockville and Camp Borden. Enlisted in 1942 and had been sent overseas in February 1944.
In the CDN 16/01/45 he has been promoted to L/Cpl in December 1944. In a letter home he praises the work being done by the Canadian Legion overseas. CDN 16/12/44. The CDN 1/06/45(P) reported that Wesley met his brother Lewis for the first time in two years while on leave in England. Wesley had been in England for a year and a half.
Wesley C. Hooker passed away 15/10/1999.
Sources | CFF-FD44, KCFA, CDN 12/01/44, |N. AFRICA| 29/09/45, 1/06/45 Cpl. |
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