It was reported in the CDN 29/03/44 that he left for Lachine, PQ. after spending three weeks furlough with his wife who was living at her parents.
Date of Death: 31/03/1945
In Lancaster bomber # NG 345 a daylight Ops. to Hamburg, Germany. Attacked by a German jet fighter (Messerschmitt Me 262) the aircraft caught fire, exploded and crashed on the east side of the Autobahn between Bremen and Hamburg. Five of the crew were killed with WO2 Hooker, F/O’s Jones and Rancourt, thrown clear of the exploding Lanc. Descended by parachute and were made POW’s.
A letter received by Edwin’s widow gave some details of his final action:
From the Director of Records
“It is with the deepest of regret that I must inform you that according to a statement made by returning members of his crew, your husband, WO Class II Edwin Milton Hooker, lost his life where their aircraft crashed approximately 15 miles southwest of Hamburg, Germany. According to the statement made by F/O. Jones, whch has been confirmed correct by P/O. Rancourt, the aircraft was attacked by enemy aircraft a few minutes before reaching the target. The rear gunner F/Sgt. Campeau, reported enemy aircraft and there was an explosion and a large coil of flame poured from one of the starboard wing tanks. F/O Jones, who was the pilot of the plane, immediately gave the order to bail out and the aircraft went into a swallow dive. As the controls had been hit by the enemy attack it was impossible to level off the plane, which stayed in its level shallow glide for only 5 or 6 seconds then nose-dived straight down. Five seconds later there was an explosion. The next thing he knew he felt old and opened his eyes. He was in a cloud and pieces of the aircraft around him. He descended by parachute in a patch of woods and was immediately picked up by the Germans. While descending he saw his aircraft flash past him about 400 yards northeast and hit some farmhouses and blow up.”
KIA – Date of Death: 31/03/1945. Just weeks before the end of the war Ed’s 429 Squadron switched over to ‘Lancs’. In Lancaster bomber # NG 345 a daylight Ops. to Hamburg, Germany. Attacked by a German jet fighter (Messerschmitt Me 262) the aircraft caught fire, exploded and crashed on the east side of the Autobahn between Bremen and Hamburg. Five of the crew were killed with WO2 Hooker, F/O’s Jones and Rancourt, thrown clear of the exploding Lanc. Decended by parachute and were made POW’s.
According to his sister, he could have come home sooner, but in a letter home he stated that,”He had a job to do and he planned to finish it.”
Sources | CDN (10-11-2007), WJ (14-07-2010), CWGC, CTW (13/11/13(P)), CVWM (P) |
Supplemental Information | Born 15/12/1922 in Wheatley, Kent Co., ON. the son of Milton and Effie Hooker and the husband of Betty (Graham). Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead, Grave/Memorial Reference: 13. A. 5. Cemetery: BECKLINGEN WAR CEMETERY. |
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