Born 14/05/1921, the son of Eldred and Edna Holmes of R. R. #1 Dresden, ON. Donald attended the Dresden Continuation School and was employed at the Wallaceburg Brass company prior to enlisting. He was 21 years old and a former student at Dresden Continuation school.
Donald enlisted in May of 1942 as a Gunner. He served overseas in England, Italy, France, Holland and Germany. He stayed in Germany as part of the Occupation Force and was discharged from the army in May of 1946. The CDN 12/02/43(P) reported that Gunner Donald had sent word to his parents that he had arrived overseas.
After the war Donald joined the Ontario Provincial Police serving mainly in Northern Ontario. In 1980 he was living in Haillybury, ON. Donald passed away 1/06/1985. IODE-CM(P), unidentified newspaper article copied (P).
Awards | C.V.S.M. with Clasp, Defence of Britain Medal, 1939-1945 Medals |
Age | 21 |
Birthplace | May 14th, 1921 |
When Enlisted | May 1942 |
Next of Kin | Parents- Mr. Eldred & Mrs. Edna Holmes |
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