Rank | Able Seaman, Ordinary Seaman |
Service # | V50343 |
Unit # | RCNVR |
Date of Birth June 1, 1922. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Hind of the Bear Line, Dover Twsp., Kent Co., ON. Next of Kin: Mary Birdell Hind. Murray appears in a photograph of 27 Navy recruit’s from HMCS Hunter about to leave Windsor for PEI., for additional training in November of 1942. [for photo see REID, Robert James.] .
Address at Enlistment: R.R. #2 Bear Line.
Ordinary Seaman Murray arrived at the family home on leave from Charlottetown, PEI. to spend Christmas 1942. CDN 23/12/42.
The CDN 18/02/43 reported that Murray wrote to his parents to tell them he had finished his preliminary training at and eastern location and has transferred to another port for a new twelve weeks duration.
Part of his furlough was spent with another Kent County boy Flt. Sgt. Waldren Watson son of Captain Fred and Mrs. Watson of Victoria Ave., Chatham.
[A sad note to this meeting, Pilot Officer Waldren Watson was KIA 19/07/44.]
The CDN 29/05/43 reported That OS. Murray had arrived from the east coast on a 14 day furlough with his parents.
He served Convoy Duty, Atlantic; ASDIC Operator aboard the Summerside Ships: HMCS Hunter, HMCS Queen Charlotte, HMCS Cornwallis, Summerside (Corvette)
Murray served on a corvette and saw action on D-Day.
Murray passed away 21/07/2002.
Robert James.] .
Supplemental Information | The son of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Hind of the Bear Line, Dover Twsp., Kent Co., ON. |
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