Son of Albert and Mildred Harrison of 140 William St., Chatham, ON. Cadet Harrison of the Essex Scottish received his officer’s certificate, Canadian Active Army from the Brockville Officers training Centre. CDN 2/06/42
Canadian Signal Corp Rank Warrant Officer Class 2 1936.
Enlisted as a private, was made a corporal instruction at B.T.C. #12 Chatham. Sent to Brockville Officers Training School and Qualified as 2nd Lieutenant, then Qualified at 1st Lieutenant during June 1942. Was on Staff at Camp Borden as instructor for several months. Was on staff at #26 B.T.C. at Orillia till January 1943. Returned to Camp Borden as transport Officer. Took Course in Mechanics and Support Group course at Aldershot Nova Scotia. Went overseas April 1944 and served in England, Belgium and Holland. Was hospitalized for pneumonia in England and Crumlin Hospital London, Ontario.
Lieut. Harrison was stationed at Camp Borden in January 1944. Bert was home on a week-end leave from Camp Borden to visit his family. CDN 30/06/42 He was reported being transferred to C.I.T.C. A, at Aldershot, NS. there he received specialized training. CDN 20/01/44
Prior to going oversea was a member of the staff at No. 12 B.T.C. Arriving overseas in April of 1944 he was stationed at the Regimental Headquarters in England and had been promoted from Lieutenant to Captain. (CDN 23/01/45(P)
The CDN 31/12/45 reported that Captain Albert Ernest Harrison was returning to Canada aboard the troopship “Mauretania”. Arrived in Halifax aboard the S.S. Mauretania docking 1/01/1946.
Next of Kin Mrs. Mildred Harrison of 140 William St., Chatham, ON. reported returning from overseas on the hospital ship “Lady Nelson” as a ‘stretcher case; expected to arrive in Canada CDN 15/01/46. The CDN 12/01/46 reported that Lieut. Harrison was WIA?
He was placed to the reserve list active officers April 2nd, 1946.
Sources | StAUC-RH, IODE(P), VR(P), CFF-FD44 |
Birthplace | Wallaceburg, Ontario |
Religion | United Church |
Marital Status | Married |
Next of Kin | Wife- Mrs. Mildred Harrison |
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