Unit # | R.C.E. |
Resident | Wallaceburg |
Born 6/02/1922 at New Scotland, Howard Twsp., Kent Co., ON. Son of Jessie ( nee McKinnon) and Thomas Hall, brother of Thomas W and W. John. And thirteen other siblings. Educated at S.S. No. 5 (Green’s). The husband of Doris (nee Myers)
Joseph enlisted with the RCE. 9/08/1942 and departed overseas 16/02/1944 returning two years later on 5/02/1946.
After the war Joe became a mail carrier in Wallaceburg, ON., which he did for thirty-eight years.
Joe passeed away 5 September, 2017 with internment at Riverview Cemetery, Wallaceburg. CDN-Obit 12/08/17(P)
Sources | RRWI-RH |
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