Of Wallaceburg, ON. Reported to be serving in the RFC or RAF.
Private Gordon trained one year with the 24th Kents.
He trained in Toronto until Apr. 1916 when he left for overseas with the Cycle Corps, transferring in England to the 74th battalion.
He proceeded to France in Aug. 1916 with the 11th Brigade Trench Mortar Battery.
Aug. 19, he was wounded at Vermoosule. He rejoined his unit on the Somme Oct. 26 and was granted a commission with the Infantry in Apr. 1917 but transferred to the Royal Air Force.
He crossed to France the second time June 5, 1918 and received promotion to Wing Commander but was brought down while on a tour over the German lines and reported Missing Aug. 11, 1918.
He was later reported missing believed killed.
Cenotaph | Wallaceburg Cenotaph |
Sources | Wallaceburg News (02-11-1916), Chatham Daily Planet (17-04-1918), No Return Ticket - Wallaceburg War Casualties - Alan Mann 2002 |
Supplemental Information | Father: D.A. Gordon, Wallaceburg Mother: Mrs. Rose Gordon Sister: Mrs. Ruby Trix Brothers: Robert, D.D., Glenn, Lieut. Dudley, Arthur St. C., Rawle, Nye |
Height | 5'11" |
Eye Colour | gray |
Age | 18 |
Complexion | dark |
Hair | dark brown |
Race | white |
Birthplace | Wallaceburg, Ontario |
Religion | Anglican |
Last Place of Employment | Student |
Marital Status | single |
When Enlisted | Dec. 6, 1915 |
Where Enlisted | London Ontario |
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