Rank | Flying Officer Pilot |
Service # | J/9388 |
Unit # | R.C.A.F., 181 (R.A.F.) Sqdn |
Resident | Whitebread, Kent Co. |
Born 28/04/1920 at Whitebread Twsp., Kent Co., ON. Son of Charles and Lula (nee Lane) Fraleigh of the Snye, brother of Francis Thomas (RCAF), Mary and Marie of Whitebread, Kent Co., ON. Educated at Whitebread Public School, Merici School and Wallaceburg High School.
In Manley’s time the hamlet of Whitebread consisted of a school, church, general store (operated by Walter Johnston) and surrounded by a few houses, with choice farmlands and orchards nearby. Manley made his way through public school in quick order skipping grades twice. He entered high school in 1936 first at Merici High School for grades nine and ten, transferring to Wallaceburg High School brings two senior credits with him. After graduation he joined the staff at Wallaceburg Brass.
Manley first enlisted in the Kent Regiment 31/07/1940 at Chatham, ON. The WN 12/09/40 Manley was one of seven Whitebread ‘Soldier Boys’ who had enlisted with the Kent Regt. in Chatham. The WN 24/10/40 reported that Manley along with Pte. Jack Hewer were enrolled in a N.C.O. course and were on a week-end leave in Chatham.
The Wallaceburg News of 6/02/41 reported that Manley was still a Private in the Army. He was stationed in London, ON. when given a leave to visit his parents in Whitebread. The WN 6/02/41 reported Manley had the company of Jack Hewer on the way home who was also at Queen’s Park.
He transferred to the RCAF in April of 1941 trainig at Crumlin, Aylmer (WN 20/02/41 he was rated LAC), Toronto and Derbert NS. LAC Fraleigh was at T.A.F.S. Aylmer when he had a weekend leave to see his family. WN 15/05/41 He would see them again WN 22/05/41 LAC Fraleigh was stationed at I.T.A.F. he would be transferred to Alymer for the Senior training. He was at Crumlin air Port, London in October of 1941. It was back to Aylmer after that. In November the WN 6/11/41 reported he was at the manning Pool-Toronto. The WN 4/12/41 reported that he had passed his final exams and expected to be transferred soon. It was reported that he has received his “Wings’ at RCAF-Alymer. WN 18/12/41
He graduated from Aylmer with his Pilot Officer at Aylmer on the 19 December 1941 as a commissioned Pilot Officer. Dubbed “Little Joe” by his fellow flyers he left for overseas assignments in January of 1942 arriving in Bournemouth, Hampshire. The WN 23/04/42(P) reported that Manley had been commissioned Pilot Officer. Along with his commission he celebrated his 21st birthday. He was reported serving “somewhere in the Middle East”. Manley, now a Pilot Officer sent a cablegram that he was then stationed in Sudan. WN 20/08/42
First assigned to 182 (Fearless) fighter squadron he would have subsequent posting to Egypt, Iraq; while on duty at Havanina Iraq he was promoted to Flying Officer. and back to England, flying Hurricanes and Typhoon fighters. It was while in England he was injured in an accident and spent two months in hospital. A cablegram was received at the Fraleigh home in August 1942 from P/O. Fraleigh advising his parents that he had been transferred to the Soudan district in Africa. CDN 21/08/42.
A cablegram was received at the Fraleigh home in August 1942 from P/O. Fraleigh advising his parents that he had been transferred to the Soudan district in Africa. CDN 21/08/42.
The WN 11/02/43 reported that P/O. Manley had been promoted to Flying Officer while he was in Iraq, Africa. Unfortunately the young flyer suffered an “unfortunate accident caused concussion” which had him hospitalized for weeks. He was returned to England to continue his flying and taking a well earned furlough. The WN 26/08/43(P) reported Flying Officer Manley J. Fraleigh was “missing after an operational flight over Europe.
On the morning of the 19th of August, Manley was flying his Typhoon fighter # R8927, over enemy occupied France on 19 August, 1943 in the area of Beuval when he was hit by enemy fire. With his engine in flames F/O Fraleigh circled his plane and attempted a forced landing in a field strewn with object by the Germans to thwart landings, his plane flipped upon striking an obstacle causing him serious injury. He was eventually pulled from the inflamed wreckage and under German guard to a near by Beauval church where he died.
Age: 22, KIA – Date of Death: 19/08/1943. Casualty.
Type: Commonwealth War Dead , Grave/Memorial Reference: Row C. Grave 1A. Cemetery: BEAUVAL COMMUNAL CEMETERY. France
The following is a letter to Manley’s parents:
182 Squadron, 124 Airfield,
R.A.F. Blue Group Home Forces,
Dear Mrs. Fraleigh,
It is with the deepest regret and sympathy of the whole squadron that I have to write this letter to confirming previous information that your son F/O M. I. Fraleigh was missing from air operations against the enemy on the 19th of August, 1943.
Joe, as he was known to all of us, had been with us several months and during that time he had proved himself a keen and able fighter pilot and one of the happiest of boys I have had the pleasure to command.
On the morning of the 19th August, 1943, the squadron took part in a wing fighter sweep over France as part of a larger operation. Whilst sweeping at 18,000 ft. I spotted about 30 F.W. 190’s ahead of us and below. Upon reaching a suitable position, I led the wing into attack and Joe’s flight got separated from the main body in the ensuing fight.
You will realize that although the enemy formation had been split up, there were still plenty of Huns in the area and as nothing was heard of the missing flight again, they may have been out-fought.We are all hoping, however , that Joe came down safely on the other side but I must ask you not to take too optimistic a view, and to await any further news we may have in the future.
Yours sincerely
William H. Ireson F.Lt.
Sources | Name found in No Return Ticket - Wallaceburg War Casualties - Alan Mann 2002, Index of Overseas Deaths, They Shall Not Grow Old, CWGC, CVWM |
Supplemental Information | Born 28/04/1920 at Whitebread, Kent Co., ON. Son of Charles and Lula (Lane) Fraleigh, of the Snye, brother of Francis Thomas (RCAF), Mary and Marie of Whitebread, Kent Co., ON. Educated at Whitebread Public School, Merici School and Wallaceburg High School. Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead , Grave/Memorial Reference: Row C. Grave 1A. Cemetery: BEAUVAL COMMUNAL CEMETERY. |
Age | 22 |
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