Regimental number 401058. Reference: RG 150, Accession 1993-93/166, Box 3033-44, Item: 388204, [DF: B3033-SO44. Born in Comber, Essex Co. The son of William and Lilian Fenner of Canal St., Tilbury, ON. Gerald was living at home when he Attestation:15/06/15 at London, ON. At the age of 18 years and 11 months. Height: 5’ 91/4”, Girth: 34 ½” Complexion: Fair, Eyes: Gray, Hair: Brown.
Joined the 33rd Bn. He went overseas 13/03/16 with the 33rd Sailed from Halifax aboard the S.S. Lapland. Departed 1/03/16, Arv. In England 26 03/16
After training in England he went over to France 26/05/17 a draft to the 48th Highlander with the 15th Bn. Taken On Strength at Rouen, France.
Born in Comber, Essex Co., the son of William and Lilian Fenner of Canal St., Tilbury, ON. Gerald was living at home when he enlisted 15/06/15 at London, ON. at the age of 18 years joining the 33rd Bn. He went overseas 17/03/16 with the 33rd after training in England he went over to France 26/05/17 a draft to the 48th Highlander with the 15th Bn. He was involved in the Battle of the Somme 26/09/17 and DOW at a CCS (Casualty Clearing Station) 29/09/17.
From an unidentified newspaper article (copied) it was noted that: “He was a young man of the most exemplary character.” This loss was particularly hard on his mother who had recently lost her husband in an accident at the Halatt’s Tile Yard in Tilbury where he was an engineer. The Chatham Daily Planner of Wednesday 11/10/1917 reported that an impressive memorial service was held a At. Andrew’s Church on Sunday 9/10/17 for Pte. Fenner.
He was involved in the Battle of the Somme 26/09/17 and DOW at a CCS (Casualty Clearing Station) 29/09/17. Shrapnel wounds to left leg and abdomen. He was “not-eligible for the 1914-15 Star
His mother was eligible for the Scroll received 2/03/2921, Plaque 10/01/1922 Memorial Cross 6/06/1920. All received by his mother.
It was noted in his military file that his mother Mrs. Lillie Fenner, Canal St. Tilbury, ON. was
Eligible for a Gratuity for the sum of $180.00
From an unidentified newspaper article (copied) it was noted that: “He was a young man of the most exemplary character.” This loss was particularly hard on his mother who had recently lost her husband in an accident at the Halatt’s Tile Yard in Tilbury where he was an engineer.
The Chatham Daily Planner of Wednesday 11/10/1917 reported that an impressive memorial service was held a At. Andrew’s Church on Sunday 9/10/17 for Pte. Fenner. “A singularly impressive service in memory of the late Gerald H. Fenner was held in St. Andrew’s Church for a young man of exemplary character.”
Applying these words “He saved others, Himself he could not save.” Applying these words literally to the case of all our fallen heroes, including the deceased.
At the close of the address the large congregation remained standing while the muffled organ peeled for the “The Death March”. A large choir in the service, the procession and recessional hymn being “O God Our Help in Ages Past” and the National Anthem.
Buried at Contay British Cemetery. Somme, France. Grave Ref: 11:C:24
Cenotaph | Chatham and Kent County Cenotaph - Chatham |
Sources | Commonwealth War Grave Commission, Chatham Daily News (05-11-1919), Chatham Daily Planet (27-09-1919), Tilbury Story - Community History, TADHS, TT (11/10/16), TADHS, TT (11/10/16), IODE(P), TT (11/10/16, 4/22/92) |
Height | 5' 9 1/4" |
Eye Colour | gray |
Age | 18 yrs. 11 mths |
Complexion | fair |
Hair | brown |
Race | white |
Birthplace | Comber, Ontario |
Religion | Anglican |
Last Place of Employment | Tilbury, Ontario |
Average Earnings | 2.50/day |
Marital Status | single |
When Enlisted | June 15, 1915 |
Where Enlisted | London, Ontario |
Next of Kin | Mrs. Lillian Fenner, Tilbury |
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