Born in 1919. Married to Anne and were living at 55 Baxter St., Chatham, ON.
Carl enlisted 2/02/43 and at some point in time volunteered for the Paratroops as he was training with them at Shilo, MN. When he was grated leave to visit his wife and family in Chatham. CDN 8/01/44. The CDN 27/06/44 reported that Para. Faubert had been on furlough to visit his wife and family living at 224 Lacroix St., Chatham. He was returning to Portage La Prairie.
David passed away in August, 2000 at the age of 86yrs. CDN-Obit 23/08/2000.
Sources | CDN-Obit (23/08/2000), IODE(P), ST |
Birthplace | Dover Township, Ontario |
Religion | Anglican |
Marital Status | Married |
When Enlisted | February 2nd, 1943 |
Next of Kin | Wife- Mrs. Ann Faubert |
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