Rank | Sergeant W.A.G., Private, Flying Officer |
Service # | R78628, J86324 and A470154 (Kent Regt.) |
Unit # | R.C.A.F. attached to R.A.F. |
Resident | 109 Joseph St., Chatham |

Born 27/10/1919 at Chatham, ON. Next of Kin: Wife Ilene Margaret (nee Sloan) Emans. Children are Karen (Rob) Bedford, Scott (Pat) Emans, Sue (Paul) Tite, Cathy (Ken) Young.
He served for four months with the Kent regiment before transferring to the RCAF. Appears on the ‘Muster Roll’ of the 2nd Bn., Kent Regiment (MG), N.P.A.N. (date unknown).
‘Scotty’ enlisted in March 1940 after graduating as a Sergeant-Pilot and was overseas in December of 1941. He saw service at Gibraltar, Africa and the Sicilian campaigns. He was commissioned a P/O while in England. P/O Emans flew most of his missions as a WAG in heavy ‘Liberator’ bombers on 38 operational trips over enemy territory, handling the guns from all past of the bomber. It was noted in the CDN 7/12/42 that Donald was serving overseas.
By Christmas of 1942, Scotty had made 38 operational trips over Germany in the same Liberator bomber with the same crew. They had supported the British Eighth Army in North Africa, Sicily and Italy. They had bombed and shot up German supply lines, marshalling yards and had their plane almost shot out from under them. The had a “few dozen” enemy fighter planes to their credit.
The CDN 17/02/43 (P) reported that Sgt. Emans had arrived in the Middle East to take up service there. He had confirmed a safe arrival with his parents. He has two brothers in the RCAF, Miles is on patrol duty in Canada and Steve was at the Manning Pool at Brandon.
By January, 1944 Flt. Sgt. Emans had completed 38 operational flights with the RCAF over Africa, Sicily Italy and Germany He was then attached to the Heavy Conversion unit as an instructor. At that time ‘Scotty’ had been overseas since December 1941. CDN 10/01/44(P)
The CDN 4/07/44(P) reported that WO. Emans had been commissioned as a Pilot Officer and was serving with the RCAF in Palestine with a heavy conversions unit.
The CDN 26/10/44 reported that beside their missions to bomb targets he and his crew shot up German supplying lines, marshaling docks and yards and hd their plane almost shot out from under them. Their aircraft has “a few dozen enemy fighters planes to it’s credit.
It was reported that ‘Scotty’ was expected to be home for Christmas 1944 along with his best friend PO William Brew of Toronto. The two airmen were on the same aircraft for the 38 missions and PO Brew would be spend time with the Emans family.
He told the CDN 26/01/45 that “The men always tried to stick to one crew and that gunners often changed around from waist, to tail and ball gunner.” As with most active service men he was reluctant to talk to the reporter about his experience he did say, “We always managed to get away from the fighters”, but admitted he saw a lot of flak. He completed a tour of “Ops” flying a Liberator bomber on 38 trips over Germany flying from bases in England. His aircraft “accounted for a few dozen enemy fighter craft.
When he returned home from overseas he was wearing the 1939 – 43 Star and Rosette in addition to his other service ribbons. The 1939 – 43 plus Rosette indicated his combat service during that period, from Britain over Germany. He also served with the British 8th Army in the African campaign and later over Italy. Prior to returning to Canada he served as an assistant gunnery leader instructor. CDN 1/10/45. He service in many countries, Africa, Sicily, Italy and at Gibraltar.
He saw service in seven countries while on active service and supported the British 8th Army through North Africa, Sicily and Italy and Gibraltar. Before returning to Canada he had been stationed with the RCAF at Palestine with a heavy conversion unit.
Donald made 39 missions over occupied Europe, Germany and North Africa. NB(P).
His brother Steve is a wireless navigator stationed at St. Laurent, a second brother Miles a wireless air gunner was stationed at Dartmouth when “Scotty” was reported returned to Canada.
Discharged April 1945.
Donald passed away 30 March 2005. Wife Eileen Margaret (nee Sloan) Emans passed away January 10, 2019.
Sources | CFF-FD44, CCI-RH, CDN (24/01/45, 26/01/45, 8/02/45, 1/10/45), IODE(P), StAUC-RH, Janet V., L. Lucas., 2KRMR, NB(P), LM-LP |
Supplemental Information | Son of Mr. William and Catherine (nee McFadyen) Emans of Joseph St., Chatham, brother of LAC Myles Robert, R126947, P/O. Steve Turnbull R209783 and William. Reported engaged to Margaret Ilene Sloan of Thames St., Chatham. Afa: - CDN 24/01/45, 26/01/45, 8/02/45, 1/10/45, IODE(P), StAUC-RH . |
Birthplace | Chatham, Ontario |
Religion | United Church |
When Enlisted | October 1940 |
Next of Kin | Mother- Mrs. Catherine Emans |
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