HLI. Next of kin listed as Mrs. M. Edwards of 133 St. George St., Chatham, ON., they had a son Wayne age six years old.
Enlisted in March of 1940 he was sent overseas in July of the same year age 29 years.
Served in Canada three years. Enlisted in March of 1940 he was sent overseas in July of the same year age 29 years. Went overseas and served in England, France, Belgium, Holland, and Germany. Wounded in Germany February 26th, 1945, and hospitalized in Holland and Belgium.
A CDN article 5/03/45(P) reported that Pte. Edwards had been wounded in action “in recent fighting on the western front”, and was in hospital
Returning on the Duchess of Bedford”, expected to arrive at Halifax, NS. 9 September, 1945
Reported being welcomed back to Chatham from overseas duty by Aldermen George Kerr KC., A. G. Goodman and Bert Joyce also by Rehabilitation Officer William Foreman and Alex Copeland for the Civil Reception Committee along with hundreds of citizens. CDN 12/09/45.
Discharged October 26th, 1945.
Sources | CFF-FD44, KCFA, VR, CDN (8/09/45), HT-RH44. |
Birthplace | Chatham, Ontario |
Religion | Anglican |
Marital Status | Married |
When Enlisted | March 21st, 1941 |
Next of Kin | Wife- Mrs. Margaret Edwards |
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