Regimental number: 3130656. Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 2769 – 56, Item: 370554, PDF:- B2769-S056. Date of Birth: 20/09/1891 at Mount Clements, Michigan. Son of Francis and Philomene (father). His attestation lists Mary Duquette of 45 Thames St., Chatham, ON., as his mother. A brother of Frank (4005132). A single farmer living at his mother’s home. His address pre-enlistment was: General Delivery – Chatham, ON. He had no Military training – A farmer by trade. MSA S08580AC. Medical at Chatham, ON.23/10/17 – Category A2. Attestation: 7/01/1918 at London, ON. to 1st WOR. Declaration: 7/01/1918 His mark ‘X’.
Prior to his enlistment he worked on the Harold English farm in Kent Co. Geneassigned $15.00 monthly.
Apparent age: 26 yrs. 3 mths., Height: 5’ 6”, Girth: 38”, Complexion: Medium, Eyes: Brown, Hair: Dark Brown, Vision 20/20, Hearing – Normal. Weight 156 to 165. Scar ½” diam. On back of left forearm, 3” below elbow.
Private Eugene Duquette left Chatham with the first draft under the Military Service Act in January, 1918, training at Bramshott Camp until May 20th, 1918, when he proceeded to France to the 18th. Battalion. He received bullet wounds in the left arm August 26th, 1918, was admitted to hospital in France and five days later taken to England where he entered the Imperial Hospital, Liverpool. He embarked for Canada January 11th, 1919.
Embarked from Canada 4/02/18 HMT. “S.S. Grampian”. Disembarked: England 16/02/18. To Bramshott 18/02/18. Having proceeded O/S to 18th Bn. – Arv. From 4th Cdn. Res. Bn. 2/06/18. 17/06/18 Arv. At Cen. Corps – Reinf. Camp 17/06/18. Date of Service 1/06/18.
29/08/18 received a GSW to his Left Forearm at Arras, Fr. 4/10/18 – In the Field. 4/10/18 Transfer to CDN. MC-Hospital- 6/12/1918. Listed “Fit for Duty – No Disability”. “ Had GSW of left forearm (flesh) on 26/08/1918. He was in the hospitals for 5 weeks, no disability due to Service at London, ON. 5/02/19
Private Eugene Duquette received his discharge February 8th, 1919, due to demobilization. His ‘Discharge’, age 27 years, discharged at London. ON. 8/02/19
“His father left the family 13 years ago and had not contributed to support his wife since he left.
After the war Eugene returned to Kent Co. on 22/09/1919 he married Marie Charron of Paincourt. They had one daughter Marie (Mrs. Peter Urquhart of Chatham) he also had three sisters Margaret. Cicelia and three brothers William, Wilfred and Dennis all in London, ON . He farmed in Dover until a few years before his death.
Eugene died at St. Joseph’s Hospital, Chatham, ON. 24/12/1953, burial at Remembrance Field, Maple Leaf Cemetery, Chatham, ON. From Tom Mountain’s research of veteran graves without markers ‘Last Post Project – Aug. 2009.
Sources | IODE, Chatham Daily Planet (23-10-1917), RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 2769 - 56, Tom Mountain’s research of veteran graves without markers ‘Last Post Project – Aug. 2009. |
Height | 5' 6'' |
Weight | 156 lbs. to 165 lbs. lbs |
Eye Colour | Brown |
Age | 26 yrs. 3 mths. |
Complexion | Medium |
Hair | Dark Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | 20/09/1891 at Mount Clements, Michigan |
Religion | Catholic |
Last Place of Employment | Farmer for Harold English, Chatham, Ontario |
Average Earnings | $5.00 per day |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | January 3rd, 1918 |
Where Enlisted | Chatham, Ontario |
Next of Kin | Mother- Mrs. Mary Duquette, Chatham |
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