Bandsman Francis C. Dix transferred from the 91st. to the 186th. Battalion as Bandsman, was promoted to Corporal, and served with this unit until going overseas, when he was transferred to the Special Service Company, London, Ontario, and from there to the Brass Band of the Western Ontario Regiment.
Sources | IODE |
Height | 5' 8'' |
Eye Colour | Brown |
Age | 27 |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Light Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Bristol, England |
Religion | Salvationist |
Last Place of Employment | Taylor Flour Mills, Chatham Ontario |
Average Earnings | $2.50 per day |
Marital Status | Married |
Marriage Info | December 25th, 1911, Chatham, Ontario. |
When Enlisted | January 3rd, 1916 |
Where Enlisted | Chatham, Ontario |
Allowance from Patriotic Fund | $13.00 per month |
Next of Kin | Wife- Mrs. Ivy A. Dix, Chatham |
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