Regimental number: 602947 Rank Sgt. Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 2511 – 27, Item: 354856, PDF:- B2511-SO27. Date of Birth 25/06/1895 at Sheffield, England. N of K: A. E. Johnson (employer) of R. R. # 2 Northwood, Kent Co., ON. A single farmer living at Northwood. Attestation: 17/08/15 at London, ON. to 34th Bn.
A British Home Child. Born in Sheffield, England. Emigrated from Sheffield Union Workhouse (now the Northern General Hospital, Sheffield via Dr. Barnardo in 1908.
Age 20 years, Height: 5’ 5 ½”, Girth: 36 ½’, Complexion: Fair, Eyes: Blue: Hair: Brown. Weight: 140 #. Medical at London, ON. “Fit”, 1915. At some time Harold had “extensive scars on his front thighs.” He had listed no next of kin: In that place he listed Mr. A. E. Johnson, R.R. #2, Northwood, ON. his employer.
Arrived in England aboard the S. S. California 1/11/15. He joined with the 34th Bn. August to October 1915. transferred to the 23rd Bn. at Bramshott, 25/05/16. Transferred to the 2nd Bn. – TOS 31/05/16 to France. 16/06/16 to the 7th Bn. 12/05/17. He was approved to L/Cpl. 28/11/17. Promoted in the Field 28/11/17 to Cpl. He was promoted again to the rank of Sgt.,a Military Medal 27/03/18
Sgt. Dickinson was given a 10 Day leave to Paris he returned from leave. His last Pay was for April 1918.
“Sgt. Harold Dickinson died of wounds 21/03/1918. “While standing at the door of his hut he was hit in the head by a piece of shrapnel from a bomb by the enemy airplane on the evening of 21 March, 1918. He was immediately evacuated by No.1 Cdn CCC. where he succumbed to his wound.”
The 7th Bn. – Military Medal. Buried at Houch in, British Cemetery – Pas de Calais, France. At I.G. 24
It seems that rightfully his Memorial Scroll (27-01-21) and the Memorial Plaque (aka the Death Penny) and his MM went to his employer, A. E. Johnson c/o Clark & Foley, Barristers, of Chatham, ON.
Found in McCully School Reunion Book 1841 – 1968.
DICKINSON, HAROLD. Initials: H Nationality: Canadian Rank: Sergeant Regiment/Service: Canadian Infantry (British Columbia Regiment) Unit Text: 7th Bn. Age: 23 Date of Death: 21/03/1918 Service No: 602947 Awards: M M Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead
Grave/Memorial Reference: I. G. 24. Cemetery: HOUCHIN BRITISH CEMETERY.
DICKINSON , Harold Age: 13 Sex: M Year of arrival: 1908 Microfilm reel: T-493 Ship: SS Dominion Port of departure: Liverpool Departure Date: 21 May 1908 Port of arrival: Quebec
Arrival Date: 31 May 1908 Party: Dr Barnardo’s Destination: Toronto Ontario i/c Mr. Lloyd.
Cenotaph | Chatham and Kent County Cenotaph - Chatham |
Awards | MM |
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (27-09-1919), Commonwealth War Grave Commission, MCWI, RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 2511 – 27, LAC, CVWM, Found in McCully School Reunion Book 1841 – 1968. Photos on PictureMe., BHC |
Supplemental Information | Age: 23 Date of Death: 21/03/1918 Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead Grave/Memorial Reference: I. G. 24. Cemetery: HOUCHIN BRITISH CEMETERY. |
Height | 5'5 1/2" |
Weight | 140 lbs. lbs |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 20 yrs. |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Brown |
Race | white |
Birthplace | 25/06/1895 at Sheffield, England. |
Religion | Methodist |
Last Place of Employment | Farming for Adam E. Johnston, Northwood |
Marital Status | single |
When Enlisted | Aug. 1915 |
Where Enlisted | London, Ontario |
Next of Kin | A. E. Johnson (employer) of R. R. # 2 Northwood, Kent Co., ON. |
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