Private Leon Deriemacker, after three months training in London, transferred to the 34th. Battalion, going overseas October 21st, 1915. In England he trained with the 23rd. Battalion, proceeding to France in January 1916, when he transferred to the Machine Gun Section of the 7th. Battalion. November 30th, 1917, he received severe wounds in the head and was also afflicted with Paralysis of the left side, being admitted to Hospital at St. Omer, France, and January 15th, 1918, moved to King George Hospital, England.
Sources | IODE, Chatham Daily Planet (08-12-1917), Chatham Daily Planet (17-06-1918), Chatham Daily Planet (30-11-1917) |
Height | 5' 6'' |
Eye Colour | Black |
Age | 22 |
Complexion | Dark |
Hair | Black |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Belgium |
Religion | Catholic |
Last Place of Employment | Detroit, Michigan |
Average Earnings | $4.50 per day. |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | July 22nd, 1915 |
Where Enlisted | Windsor, Ontario |
Next of Kin | Parents- Mr. & Mrs. Rime Deriemacker. Brother- Joseph Deriemacker. Sister- Marie Deriemacker, Martha Deriemacker, Bertha Deriemacker, Hazel Deriemacker, Marguerite Deriemacker, Madeline Deriemacker. |
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