DOB:- 13/06/1895. RG150, Accession: 1992-93/166, Box: 2404-4, Item: 350817, PDF: SO04. To the 93rd Batt. – for FRANCE.
Attestation: at Peterborough, ON. 1916. Age: 20 years 9 Months, Height: 5’5”, Girth: 34 ½ “, Complexion: Fresh, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Light Brown, Weight at enlistment 115# 135 at discharge. Certificate of Medical Exam:- 4/03/16 at Peterborough, White scar 2” long on outer side of left thigh – ‘dog bite’ 1904.
Present address: Rush Point, Peterborough County, ON. Born: at Chatham, ON. Next of Kin Lionel Clinton De Cou and wife Julia. A sister Miss C. E. De Cow, of 45 Raleigh St., Chatham, ON. A single teacher. Previously served with the 24th Kent Regt. His sister was granted a separation allowance.
Signaller Edward C. DeCou trained at Barrifield, Kingston, embarking for overseas July 15th, 1916. After a signalling course at Otterpool, he proceeded to France September 18th, as Signaller with the 18th. Battalion.
Overseas with 57th Regt. Embarked at Halifax, NS. 15/07/16. Disembarked at Liverpool, England, 25/07/16. Transferred to 18th Batt. from 93rd Batt.
Edward joined the 18th Batt., in France 16/09/16 before moving to the front “In the FIELD” 3/10/16.
He was granted 10 days of leave to Bodeau 15/07/17. He was granted a 14 day leave to the United Kingdom 9/02/18. 20/09/18 Edward was appointed to Acting Corporal with pay from Lance Cpl. in the Field. 5/11/18 Edward C. De Cou was awarded a Military Medal.
28/11/18 he was posted to W.O.R.D. – Whitley with a transfer to England, with view of being granted a commission in the infantry 28/10/18. 16/12/18 WORN – appointed A/Sgt. with pay – Whitley. 23/12/18 attached 3rd Reserve Batt. Last pay 22/02 1919 at $105.22. Posted to Canada granted a 80 cent increase per diem ILO rations and quarters 28/01/19
Discharged 22/02/1919 with transfer to Canada 1/02/19. 22/02/19 Edward C. De Cou was discharged H.M.S. – Demobilization.
“ Enemy Defeated”
Letter returned through dead letter office.
M.M. 195886.
Pte. De Cou to the CDP (date unknown)
19 August. 1917
Dear Father – I received mother’s letter written July 27th last evening when I came down from the line. I was too tired to really read letter but glanced through and re-read it this morning with the rest of my mail.
Say I certainly enjoyed my sleep this morning . Have been practically without sleep for 96 hours and have been working like a “nigger” every minute of the 96 hours. However we succeeded in handing “Fritz” another awful slam even if it did cost us heavily. We attacked at dawn and won our objective easily in a few hours, but he put up a very stubborn fight, and counterattacked thirteen times in four days. We beat back all his attacks. Once or twice where he gained a footing in our front our immediate counterattack drove him back out.
Five of us from headquarters ran an advanced report centre and certainly had a most exciting time. We laid our lines the night previous to the attack and occupied one of our advanced listing post. When we went up before the attack we couldn’t show a light or speak much above a whisper. We got in communication with our battalion headquarters and ran out leads for the company signallers to run over their lines with the first wave. We had a tough job mending breaks and keeping up communications in his galling fire but succeeded in keeping up almost marvellous communications. In fact we had lines through when both artillery and other battalion were down and succeeded in nipping several of his attacks in the bud by getting “map locations”, trough to the artillery group in time to break them while he was still massing troops. Our artillery is wonderful. His artillery is still good, and is all that is keeping his good and is all that is keeping his armies in the field today.
We are going back a ways for a few days rest. Do you remember Melvin Sloan? He joined us as a Lieutenant a few days before our attack and was wounded the second day. He is in good shape and will pull through …….. ends.
Awards | MM |
Sources | IODE(P), Chatham Daily Planet (13-12-1917), Chatham Daily Planet (09-11-1918), Chatham Daily Planet (27-01-1919), Chatham Daily Planet (29-01-1919) (LAC) (OT-HR) |
Height | 5' 5'' |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 20 yrs. 9 mths. |
Complexion | Fresh |
Hair | Light Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Chatham, Ontario |
Religion | Anglican |
Last Place of Employment | Rush Point, Peterboro County. |
Average Earnings | $60.00 per month |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | March 1916 |
Where Enlisted | Peterboro, Ontario |
Next of Kin | Father- Dr. L. C. DeCow, Chatham. Sister-Kate DeCow. |
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