Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 2393 – 24, Item: 350217, PDF:- B2393-SO24. Date of Birth 21/06/1891 at Belleville, ON. Present address: Trench, London Barrack’s, 1st. Canadian Div., Son of Mr. & Mrs. M. A. Dean of Chatham, ON. Bank of Montreal at Chatham Upper Canada College, (U.C.C.) in September of 1903 fom Queen Victoria Public School and left U.C.C. in June 1907. A single banker, living in Chatham. Have been vaccinated. Already serving – Medical Exam – “Fit” 14/06/16 (Field). Active Military Service, 1st. Regt. G.G. OF C 6 Mos. and 8mos. on Active Service – Already serving.
30/1/16. M.I.D. London 1/15 TOS and Posted. Bde. CFA. – 4/03/16 3rd Bde. TOS 1/04/16 – Wounded slightly 27/03/16.
Son of Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Dean of Chatham, ON. Entered Upper Canada College, (U.C.C.) in September of 1903 from Queen Victoria Public School and left U.C.C. in June 1907 A single banker, living in Chatham.
Reserve Brigade CFA. 11th Batt., 3rd Bde. CFA., Forer 1st Regt. Gren. Guard -54-21-50-2 in France. Slightly wounded in March 1916, but remained st service. Made Captain in October 1916/04/16: Slightly wounded, but remaining at duty 27/03/167 0n 10 day leave Acting Captain: 17/03/17 Trench Mortar Battery. 3/11/17. Received a 10 day leave – Returned 24/11/17.
20/04/16 K301 Base reports slightly wounded and remained at duty. 27/03/16 – Wounded slightly at duty 19.
Bromch 24/01/19 (Bronchitis) 9/0/19 Can. Red X. Off Hosp. – Audley – Whilst on leave – in France. Disc 24/01/19 – Disc. “ Certificate of Service: in Canada and France, with the Reserve Brigade CFA 3rd. Brigade CFA. – 1st Cdn. Div. – Trench Mortar and1st Brigade CFA.
10/05/19 General Demob. 21/06/1920. “Wounded 27/03/16 – Mentioned in Dispatches 28/12/17 – Awarded the Military Cross 7/11/18.Proceeded to England. Sailed for Canada 29/04/19 promoted Major 17/04/19 – Demob: 2/20/19 SOS Canada 10/05/1919.
Return to Canada 30/04/1919.
Saw action throughout 1918 with the 1st Div. CEF. MID in January 1918. Promoted to Major 1st Batty. CFA, January 1919 returned from O/S 10/05/1919 and discharged from duty on that date.
In 1923 was the manager of the St. Lawrence Box Co. 140 Chatham St., Montreal, PQ.
Awards | MID, MC |
Sources | IODE, Chatham Daily Planet (15-02-1918), Chatham Daily Planet (03-05-1918), Chatham Daily News (30-05-1919), RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 2393 - 24, The War Book of Upper Canada College, 1923 |
Height | 5' 8'' |
Age | 26 |
Complexion | Dark |
Hair | Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | 21/05/1891 at Belleville, ON. |
Religion | Presbyterian |
Last Place of Employment | Royal Trust Company, Montreal. |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | September, 1915 |
Where Enlisted | Shorncliffe, England |
Next of Kin | Father- H. A. Dean, Chatham, Ontario |
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