Private Felix P. Daniel transferred July 8th, 1918, to the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve, serving as Sick Berth Attendant in the Royal Canadian Naval Hospital, Halifax.
Discharged at Halifax June 14th 1919 due to demobilisation.
Sources | IODE |
Height | 5' 8 1/2'' |
Eye Colour | Grey |
Age | 25 |
Complexion | Dark |
Hair | Black |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Dover Township |
Religion | Catholic |
Last Place of Employment | W.W.Turner, Druggist, Chatham |
Marital Status | Single |
When Enlisted | May 22nd, 1918 |
Where Enlisted | London, Ontario |
Next of Kin | Father- Cyril Daniel, R.R.#2 Bear Line. |
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