Crothers, Francis Carson (F.C.) Photo
Rank Private
Service # 2334306
Unit # 18th
Resident Wallaceburg

Regimental number: 2334306 Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 2174 – 16, Item: 127301, PDF: – B2174 – SO16. Date of Birth 19/12/1893 at Wallaceburg, ON. Son of James and Ida Crothers of Wallaceburg. An engineer, Single.  Attestation: 13/02/1917 at Chatham, ON. to the Cyclist Platoon. CDP 27/11/17. Found on Roll of Honour Trinity Methodist Church, Wallaceburg, ON.

Age: 23 yrs. 11 mos., Height: 5’ 4 ½ “, Girth: 33 ½ , Weight: 116 #, Complexion: Medium, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Brown. Medical completed 16/02/17 at Chatham, ON. found “Fit”. His left elbow had a slight defect from a break some years ago. Eyes: R 30/20 L. 20/20, Hearing – Normal 

Embarked from Halifax 3/05/17 aboard the S. S. Megantic disembarked at Liverpool. 14/05/17 aboard the S.S. Justicaa overseas to France. 

Frances was reported VDG and was admitted to Chiseldon Military Hospital 17/05/17 and discharged 5/07/17.

11/07/17 Frances was transferred to the 4th Cdn. Cyclist Company. 27/09/17 proceeded to 18th Batt.

CROTHERS, FRANCIS CARSON Initials: F C Nationality: Canadian Rank: Private Regiment: Canadian Infantry (Western Ontario Regiment) Unit Text: 18th Bn. Age: 24 Date of KIADeath: 02/11/1917 Service No: 2334306. While serving in Belgium.   Additional information: Son of James and Ida Crothers, of Wallaceburg, Ontario. Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead Grave/Memorial Reference: Panel 10 – 26 – 28. Cemetery: YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL



Cenotaph Steinhoff Memorial War Cenotaph - Wallaceburg
Sources Chatham Daily Planet (27-11-1917), MT-RH, No Return Ticket - Wallaceburg War Casualties - Alan Mann 2002, RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 2174 - 16,  LAC, CVWM (Photo), Bill Siddall, Historian
Supplemental Information Age: 24 Date of KIA, Death: 02/11/1917 Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead Grave/Memorial Reference: Panel 10 - 26 - 28. Cemetery: YPRES (MENIN GATE) MEMORIAL
Height 5'4 1/2"
Weight 116 lbs. lbs
Eye Colour Blue
Age 23 yrs. 11 mths.
Complexion Medium
Hair Brown
Birthplace 19/12/1893 at Wallaceburg, ON.

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