Crosby, Herbert C. Victor (H. C. V.) Photo
Rank Gunner
Service # A28554
Unit # 2nd Heavy Anti Aircraft (Mobile), R.C.A.
Resident 23 Degge St., Chatham
Books Of Rememberance Page Available

Next of kin Mrs. H. Crosby of 23 Degge St., Chatham, ON. The husband of Jean (Pittman Hurst). 

Reported returning from overseas duty on the Ile de France, expected to dock at Halifax NS., 1-2 October, 1945. CDN 29/09/45. 

Herbert was killed in Chatham Mar. 23, 1946.

Herbert Victor Crosby Newsclipping
Herbert Victor Crosby Newsclipping


Sources CKPL-CI, Bill Siddall, Historian
Birthplace Chatham, Ontario
Religion Methodist
When Enlisted April 1941
Next of Kin Father- Mr. Herbert H. Crosby

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