Rank | Flying Officer |
Service # | J15259 |
Unit # | R.C.A.F. |
Resident | Wallaceburg |
The son of Mr. Alfred and Sophia (Joiner) Crist of 31 Main St., Wallaceburg. The brother of Brian Vincent, R93427.
Eric enlisted in the RCAF “early in the war and he went overseas in April 1940, then with the rank of Sergeant-Pilot. The Wallaceburg News reported that AC Eric Crist was on a Christmas leave at his parents home. WN 2/01/41 He specialized as a fighter pilot a member of an RCAF Spitfire squadron. He flew operations over England and France over France in 1941 downing several German planes. as a Sergeant-Pilot downing several German planes. In September of 1941 he was transferred to the Mediterranean theatre stationed on Malta where he made numerous sorties. The WN 19/11/42 reported that Eric’s parents had been advised that their son had been promoted for the third time since going overseas to Flying Officer.Since being wounded FO Crist had bee instructing in England.
He specialized as a fighter pilot a member of an RCAF Spitfire squadron. He flew operations over England and France over France in 1941 In September of 1941 he was transferred to the RAF for service in the Mediterranean theatre stationed on Malta where he made numerous sorties.
Twice wounded in action over Malta. The first time, in an aerial combat over the besieged island he was shot through both hands and his left hip. After he recovered he went back to the fight and in November he was wounded a second time , this time over Italy. He was promoted to Pilot Officer to Flying Officer.
“We were busy as soon as we arrived there and were constantly after the Nazis. At first they tried chase us around and attacked our aerodromes and the harbor with their bombs, but we kept fighting backat them all of the time. Then they just dropped their bombs wanywhere and did plenty of damage . Valetta the main port, was fairly well destroyed and rather flattened out in part she observed.”
He spoke very appreciatively of the people of Malta and of their fortitude during the many bombings and all of the destruction. Food was very scarce and “keenly felt by the civilian population”, but in general they stood up well.
“we never knew when the Nazis might stage an invasion and we were always on the alert.”
Twice wounded in action over Malta. The first time, in an aerial combat over the besieged island he was shot through both hands and his left hip. After he recovered he went back to the fight and in November he was wounded a second time , this time over Italy. He was promoted to Pilot Officer to Flying Officer. The WN 11/11/43 reported that PO Crist was “back in action” after recovering from his latest wounds and was “somewhere” serving with a fighter squadron. The official ‘advice’ from the RCAF concerning Eric’s second wound was “in his right arm which was also fractured”. A cable from F/O Crist to his parents simply said “Everything is OK.”. It was presumed that he was wounded as a result of enemy action. He was eventually hospitalized in England.
A fellow flyer from Wallaceburg, Paul G. Bolt a friend of F/O. Crist had written Eric’s parents saying he had attended a farewell party for Eric who had flown combat missions over France, Germany, North Africa, Malta and Italy. Eric was reported arriving home on the 2nd of March. CDN 3/03/44 (P).
Flying Officer returned to Britain via Portugal several months before he was granted a leave to Canada. He made a splendid crossing of the Atlantic. “The weather was ideal for the time of the year and he had only one day of bad weather.”
He expressed his thanks for the comforts and practically the cigarettes. F/O Crist expected to be home for a month, following which he will be posted for duty somewhere in Canada
F/O Crist and his father Alfred Crist Sr. were tended a formal civic welcome. WN 9/03/4
Eric was repoted arriving home on the 2nd of March. CDN 3/03/44 (P).
The Wallaceburg News 25/05/44 reported that F/O. Crist was stationed at RCAF-Trenton was home on a weekend leave to visit his parents.
Sources | W-RH, WHS-HR |
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