The son of Mr. and Mrs. William “Will” Coutts of Fletcher, ON. The husband of Jean (nee Jenner). Father of Warren, Martha (Grove), Margaret (Coutts-Cline), and Craig. CDN Obit. 23/03/15 (wife).
Trained in Montreal, January 1944 posted to Trenton January 29th, posted to Bellville and graduated as L.A.C. Posted to St. John’s Quebec and on September 7th graduated as Sergeant Navigator. September 8th received commission as P/O and posted to Mainland, Nova Scotia October 28th, posted to Lachine to received indefinite leave.
It was reported that Keith had been home from training at Trenton, ON. and was returning in mid-January 1944. CDN 5/01/44. Keith was reported home from training at Belleville, ON. on a week-end leave. CDN 16/03/44 The MS 20/01/44 reported AC2 Coutts then stationed at RCAF-Trenton had spent a week-spent at weekend in Merlin. The Merlin Standard 16/04/44 reported AC2 Coutts was stationed at RCAF-Bellville, ON, when he spent a week-end with his parents. The CDN 20/04/44 / MS 20/04/44, reported that Keith then stationed at RCAF-Bellville, spent his Easter holiday at his home in Fletcher. The MS (1944 date unknown) had spent a weekend at his home in Fletcher.
The CDN 9/11/44 reported that P/O. Coutts enjoyed a furlough at his home in Fletcher, Kent Co., ON.
It was reported that Keith had been home from training at Trenton, ON. and was returning in mid-January 1944. CDN 5/01/44. Keith was reported home from training at Belleville, ON. on a week-end leave. CDN 16/03/44.
The CDN 14/09/44 reported that Segt. Coutts was among the airmen graduated from Number 9 A.O.S. of St. Johns, PQ. as a navigator.
The CDN 9/11/44 reported that P/O. Coutts enjoyed a furlough at his home in Fletcher, Kent Co., ON.
Discharged January 4th, 1945 transferred to R.C.A.F. Reserve.
Sources | CDN (5/01/44) |
Birthplace | Fletcher, Ontario |
Religion | Protestant |
When Enlisted | 1943 |
Next of Kin | Mother- Mrs. Mary S. Coutts |
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