Born in Tilbury in 1913, the only son of Mr. R. J. and Mrs. Mary Anne Cooke of Queen St., Tilbury, ON., brother of Norma (CWAC) of Tilbury. Husband of Lieut. Nursing Sister Florence E. (Richardson of Appleby, ON.) Cooke. Donald received his primary and secondary education in Tilbury. He graduated from the School of Science at the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree, OSS. Prior to hid enlistment in June, 1940 he was the head of the London, ON. branch of the Johnson & Turner Electrical Repair and Engineering Co.
Donald met Nursing Sister Florence Richardson, one of the first Canadian women to enlist and go overseas in the 1st Canadian contingent that sailed for England in June 1940.
Donald enlisted 15/06/1940 by December of 1940 he was commissioned as a Lieutenant in the R.C.O.C. and stationed in London, ON. that was home on a weekend pass to visit his parents. TT 12/12/40. A graduate of the University of Western Ontario Donald enlisted in the Royal Canadian Ordinance Corps (RCOC) in July of 1940 with the rank of Lieutenant and went overseas on 25th December of 1940 and went overseas on 25 December of 1940 as a Lieutenant. In 1942 he achieved the rank of Captain in August 1941. He had also completed with distinction a course qualifying him as an electrical specialist in anti-aircraft gunnery, the first Canadian to pursue that course.
After completion of the course he had a leave and toured Scotland. Captain Cooke transferred to 1st Armoured Brigade, 5th Canadian Division in February of 1942.
Donald met Nursing Sister Florence E. (Richardson) Cooke, one of the first Canadian women to enlist and go overseas in the the 1st Canadian contingent that sailed for England in June 1940. Donald received his primary and secondary education in Tilbury. He graduated from the School of Science at the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Applied Science degree.
The TT. 5/02/42 reported that Lieut. Donald Cooke then serving in the R.C.O.C. in England had been promoted to the rank of Captain as a electrical engineering specialist.
They were married 6 June 1943, had a weeks honeymoon before she was to embark for Sicily one of the first Canadian nurses in that theatre of operations. TT22/07/43.
The list of overseas promotions in the Canadian Army affecting officers from Military District No. 1 of Western Ontario in 1943 included the name of Donald N. Cooke, RCOC of Tilbury who had been “elevated to the position of Lieutenant-Colonel”.
TT 25/02/43. In October of 1943 Lt. Col. Cooke went to Italy and after which he saw service in Belgium and Germany for February and March.
The CDN 28/03/45 reported that Acting Colonel Cooke had been gazette to a full Colonel. A cable to his parents in Tilbury informing them that he and his wife Florence were enjoying a leave together in England. He was promoted to a full Colonel in 1945 with the RCEME. Reported sailing from England after his duty overseas on the liner Ile de France. CDN 28/09/45(P). Reported arriving from overseas duty aboard the transport S.S. Nieuw Amsterdam, arriving at Halifax, NS. CDN 28/09/45 (P), 29/09/45.
Sources | TT (12-12-1940), TT (25-02-1943), CDN (28-09-1945), CDN (29-09-1945), KCFA, TT (30/10/41), RLC |
Birthplace | Tilbury, Ont. |
Marital Status | Married |
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