Regimental number 400644. Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box: 1920 – 15 / Item: No. 112809, B1920-SO 15. Date of Birth: 3/05/1870 at Teddington, Middlesex, England. The husband of Sarah of Tilbury, Kent Co., ON. PO. Box 75, Tilbury. Occupation: Carpenter.
Born in England, immigrated to Tilbury and lived there for over thirty five years on Fort Street.
Served in the Signal Corp in India and the South Africa War was well as the Great War. Had three children Edward ‘Ted’, Kathleen (Gregoire) and Nelle (Phipps) by his first wife Sarah who passed away. Was married to Elizabeth (nee Hewitt).
Private Edward Connor served seventeen years in the Imperial Service, seven years in India and two years in the South African War.
Private Edward Connor went overseas with the 33rd. Battalion March 17th,1916, training with the 35th. Signal Company until July 15th 1916, when he proceeded to France drafted to the 18th. Battalion.
Previous military experience 17 years with the 2nd. Batt. Middlesex Regt. 11/12/1880 to 12/12/1891, Imperial Service. Attestation: 27/01/1914 at Chatham, ON. 44 years old 5’ 6”. He had a tattoo on his left forearm.
His military record records that Edward was sentenced to 14 days of No.1 Field Punishment for insubordination.
Tilbury Times 24/01/1918 “Letters from the Front”.
“France, Dec. 31, 1917
To the I.O.D.E. – Tilbury.
Dear Ladies,
Just a line to let you know that I received the parcel sent by you quit safely and in good condition. I must thank you very much for your kindness. Everything in the parcel came in very handy, especially the mitts, as the weather has been very cold the past month. We have had a lot of snow and heavy frosts. The winter has come in quite a bit earlier this year but it is a lot better than the mud. I hope your Order will meet with every success. Wishing you all a Happy New Year. I remain.
Yours sincerely.
Ed Connor Sr.”
Edward served in France as a Signalman at Battalion HQ. He served in France from 22/07/1916 to 12/12/1918.
Edward was granted a ‘compassionate discharged from the army as Medically Unfit 7/05/1918. Edward embarked for Canada 13/03/1918. The “War Service Gratuity” indicated that Sarah was deceased leaving four daughters Helen, Rose, Mary and Kathleen.
A Charter member of the Tilbury Legion he was afforded a Military funeral and parade and burial at Maple Leaf cemetery, Tilbury.
Tilbury Times 25/05/1944 “War Veteran is Honoured in Death”
Born in England, immigrated to Tilbury.
Sources | IODE, Chatham Daily Planet (28-03-1918), Chatham Daily Planet (28-05-1919), TDHS |
Height | 5' 6 1/2'' |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 49 |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Black |
Race | White |
Birthplace | England |
Religion | Anglican |
Last Place of Employment | J. Magee, Tilbury, Ontario. |
Average Earnings | $3.00 per day. |
Marital Status | Married |
Marriage Info | March 8th, 1896, England. |
When Enlisted | January 27th, 1915 |
Where Enlisted | Chatham, Ontario |
Allowance from Patriotic Fund | $28.00 per month |
Next of Kin | Wife- Mrs. Sarah Connor - Deceased. Children- Edward Connor, Jr., Alfred Connor, C.E.F., Helen Connor, Rose Connor, Mary Connor, Kathleen Connor. |
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