Of 105 Park Ave., West, Chatham, ON. Born 3/10/1889 or 3/10/1888, at Portsmouth, Hampshire, England. The son of William and Sarah Cole of 111 st. George St., Chatham, ON. The Husband of May Coles and father of Lillian age 3 years when he enlisted. A labourer. He had previously served in the 24th Regt. Band for three months. Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box: 1862-48, Item: 109484. Attestation: 16/02/1916 at Chatham, ON to 186th Batt. age 26 years 4 months; 5’ 7”.
Bandsman William Frank Coles left for overseas with the 186th. Battalion March 26th, 1917, and proceeded to France August 27th, 1917, to the 18th. Battalion. He served in the ranks until October when he was transferred to Headquarters for band duty, and marched with the Army of Occupation into Germany after the Armistice was signed.
He left LaHavre April 3rd, 1919, proceeded to Witley Camp and embarked for Canada from Liverpool May 13th, 1919, arriving at Halifax May 22nd, 1919.
From his military file LAC. Departed Canada from Halifax 28/03/17 aboard the S. S. Lapland and arrived in Liverpool, England 7/04/17. From there he went to 4th Batt. Reserve at Bramshot, England. After training for France he was transferred to the 18th Batt.
William would come down with Influenza 25/06/18 and would be deemed cured to return to his unit 10/07/18.
He returned to Canada departing Liverpool 14/05/1919 aboard the S. S. Coronia. He was discharged from the army 24/05/1919.
The father of three girls and a son. He was a member of the Chatham Kiltie Band.
Bandsman William Frank Coles received his discharge May 24th, 1919, due to demobilization.
Sources | IODE, LAC Military Files, Chatham Daily News (24-05-1919), Chatham Daily Planet (25-05-1919), NR-MB60 (14-04-1916) |
Height | 5' 6 1/2'' |
Eye Colour | Hazel |
Age | 26 |
Complexion | Dark |
Hair | Black |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Portsmouth, England. |
Religion | Baptist |
Last Place of Employment | William Gray, Sons-Campbell Company, Chatham, Ontario. |
Average Earnings | $4.00 per day. |
Marital Status | Married |
Marriage Info | April 8th, 1912, Woodstock, Ontario. |
When Enlisted | February 17th, 1916 |
Where Enlisted | Chatham, Ontario |
Next of Kin | Wife- Mrs. May Coles, Chatham, Ontario. Daughter- Lillian May Coles, Chatham, Ontario. |
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