Reference: RG150 Accession 1992-93/166 Box 1848-18: Item No. 108705. B1848-SO18. MEDICALLY UNFIT Born: 11/12/1885, husband of Catherine ‘Kate’ (nee Edwards) living in Blenheim, ON. Present address at Blenheim, Kent Co. ON. Father of Charles 8, Hilda 6, Harry 5, Glen 7-mos. Born at Birmingham, England, his father Harry Cole of 5 Clendon Place and his Mother Mary. Next of Kin: Kate Cole (wife) of Blenheim. A Chauffeur. Vaccination -Yes. Attestation: 2/02/1916 at Chatham, ON. O/C – 186TH BN. (23/04/17) “NOTED. ”
Apparent Age: 31 yrs, 1 mth., Height 5’ 3 ½”, Girth: 37”, Weight: 148#. Complexion: Fair, Eyes: Hazel, Hair: Brown. A few Scars on his back. “Fit”, No previous Military training. 24/01/1916 at Chatham, ON. 2/02/16.
Canadian Contingent C.E.F. “Discharged” – From service 20 March, 1917 – FROM 186TH BN. No. 13113 – for $42.00 – Pay for Month. Assigned to Mrs. Kate Cole (wife( – of Blenheim, ON. 2/02/16 – Married – Yes. M.C.O. – 69 Dated 20/03/17at Chatham, On. at Camp Borden – 13/09/16 – Routine Chatham, ON. 4/03/17 VDH.
War Service Gratuity: – $70.00 – Guard: $24.00 – 31 days $70.oo + $30.00 + $ 6.00. $106.00. 2/02/16 – t0 20/05/17 (30/07/16) Disc. 20/03/1917 (31 yrs. 3mos.)
“Through Cause not due to Military Service.” – Authority M.C. 20/03/17 at Chatham, ON. “Medically Unfit
It was reported his wife Catherine ‘Kate “ (Nee Edwards). “My wife Kate Cole has died since my discharge, WILL not be necessary for me to apply for in 2.W. 149 as I am left with four Children. 186th O/S – 2/02/16 – 7/03/17
Disease Valvular – Disease of the Heart (before enlistment) – in Canada – Probably diphtheria 1915
There is a murmur at Apex. Harsh in quality and during aystol. The apex Beat displaced to left & upwards and the heart rate is 130 – 140 – General physical-good- DISCHARGE. 14/04/17 at Chatham, ON.
Private Charles Arthur Cole received his discharge March 20th, 1917, being medically unfit for military service.
Private Charles Arthur Cole served with the 186th. Battalion as Acting Corporal in the Officer’s mess until his discharge.
Charles passed away 19 April, 1969. (M. Cole)
Sources | IODE, Blenheim Freedom Library |
Height | 5' 3 1/2" |
Eye Colour | Blue |
Age | 31 yrs. 1 mth. |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Birmingham, England |
Religion | Anglican |
Last Place of Employment | Chatham Gas Office. |
Average Earnings | $3.00 per day. |
Marital Status | Married |
Marriage Info | Birmingham, England. |
When Enlisted | February 2nd, 1916 |
Where Enlisted | Chatham, Ontario |
Allowance from Patriotic Fund | $23. 50 per month |
Next of Kin | Wife- Mrs. Kathleen Cole, Chatham, Ontario. Childern- Charles Cole, Hilda Cole, Harry Cole, Glen Cole, Leslie Cole. |
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