Married and living on Ellwood Ave., Chatham, ON.
Prior to the start of the war he was the Commanding Officer of the Kent Regt. – Machine Gun. In 1940 he was selected to command the First Kents (Infantry) regiment. The First Kents was recognized as one of the best trained regiments in the country. Most of the officers and men had been sent off to overseas units.
He reported that the men have never been in better physical shape and high morale and are happy on the west coast. He predicted that over the next three or four months every unit will have the opportunity for furlough.
Enlisted 15th, of February 1916, in the 168th. Battalion. Oxford Rifles. Motor Machine Gun Brigade. In France until Armistice in November 11, 1918. Served in Germany until March 1919. Returned to Canada April 1919 and was Discharged. Enlisted 2nd Battalion C.M.G.C. 1924 N.P.A.M. with the rank of Sergeant Commissioned Lieutenant. 1st January 1925. Promoted to Captain June 1927. Passed Militia Staff course October 1934. Promoted to Major October 1st, 1936. Transferred to the Kent Regiment 15th, December 1936 as Second in Command. Promoted to Co. O. 2nd January 1938. to July 26th 1940, N.P.A.M. Co. O.
The CDN 19/05/42 reported on a talk that Lieut. Col. Codlin gave to the Chatham Rotary Club, he was home on furlough. He reported that the citizens of Chatham an Kent Co., have been very supportive of the Kent Regt. then training on Canada’a west coast. “The people of this community have given loyal support to their regiment, not only in sentiment but in material ways, which have been appreciated by the officers and men”.
The CDN 2/06/43(P) reported that Lieut-Col. Codlin, the Commanding officer of the First Kent Regiment (AF) had been awarded the order of the British Empire (Military Division)
He reported that the men have never been in better physical shape and high morale and are happy on the west coast. He predicted that over the next three or four months every unit will have the opportunity for furlough.
Commanding Officer of the Kent Regiment Active to 1st. April 1944. Transferred to No. 1 District Depot to 24th April 1944. Decorations; General Service 1914-1918 Victory Medal, Volunteer Service Medal, 1939 King George V Jubilee 1935, King George VI Coronation 1936, Efficiency Decoration 1942, O.B.E. June 1943.
The CDN 13/04/44 reported that Lieut Col. Codlin who had recently returned from the west would be released from the Canadian army active service to resume his former position with the P. G. Piggott lumber company in Chatham.
Discharged to Reserve of Officers 24th, April , 1944.
Awards | General Service Medal, Victory Medal, Volunteer Service Medal |
Sources | CDN (21/10/39), CDN (3/08/40), CDN (20/12/40), StAUC-RH, IODE(P) |
Birthplace | Drumbo, Ontario |
Religion | United Church |
Marital Status | Married |
When Enlisted | June 27th, 1940 |
Next of Kin | Wife- Mrs. Ella May Codlin |
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