Sapper Ira C. Claus went overseas in February 1918 and trained at the Canadian Engineers Depot at Sleaford until June 21st when he was sent to Franceand. Joined the 11th Canadian Engineer Battalion and remained with that unit until February 4th, 1919, when he was sent to the hospital suffering with rheumatism. He received treatment at the 32nd Stationary Hospital at Wimereux, France, Graylingwell and Bexhil Camp in England. In March he was sent back to Sleaford Camp and from there was repatriated to Canada.
Discharged May 23rd, 1919 with an invalids pension of $7.50 per month.
Sources | IODE, Chatham Daily News (23-05-1919), Chatham Daily Planet (24-05-1919), Blenheim Freedom Library |
Height | 5' 10" |
Eye Colour | Grey |
Age | 24 |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Brown |
Race | White |
Birthplace | Raleigh Township |
Last Place of Employment | Carpenter in Windsor, Ontario. |
Average Earnings | $3.50 per day. |
Marital Status | Married |
Marriage Info | September 9th, 1913, Blenheim, Ontario. |
When Enlisted | September 17th, 1917 |
Where Enlisted | Windsor, Ontario |
Allowance from Patriotic Fund | $5.00 per month |
Next of Kin | Wife- Mrs. Maud J. Gill Claus, Blenheim, Ontario. |
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