Trained in Canada and went overseas December 1939. First saw enemy action in Sicily during the invasion by Canadian Troops of that island and still later participated in the Italian Campaign, serving eighteen months in that sector. In 1940 he was a member of one of the many reconnaissance parties which landed on the shores of France but encountered no enemy action.
Prior to the war Bruce was employed at the Chatham Hotel.
Bruce enlisted in the army in November of 1939 in London, ON. and by December of that year was overseas.
In 1940 Cpl Camp was a member of a reconnaissance party which landed on the shores of France to scout enemy positions but encountered no enemy action.
His first encounter with the enemy occurred in Sicily during the Canadian invasion of that island. Cpl. Camp served some 18 months in that theatre of conflict. He said little about his time in Italy other than “the country, the people and everything connected with Italy is unbelievably filthy”.
While in England Bruce met and married Irene (Lathan) of Richmond, Surrey, England and had a son Gary both mother and son arrived in Canada in October of 1944 long before Cpl. Camp arrived home in Chatham in February of 1945 on a 30 day furlough for men who had served overseas for five years.
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