Reference: RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 1360 – 33, Item: 80453, PDF 1360-SO33. Date of Birth 27/05/1884 at Woodstock, ON., the son of Arthur J. Byrd of, Woodstock, Oxford, and Louise Byrd of 203 Graham St., Woodstock, ON. Alfred was an insurance broker he was living in Chatham. A member of the 24th Kent Regt. serving for three months. Attestation 29/05/1916 at Chatham, ON. to 186th Bn. CDP 10/09/18.
Prior to his enlistment with the 24th he was involved in real estate, broker and Engineer. Height; 6’ ¾”, Weight: 175 #, Girth 33 ½”
Attestation 29/05/16 at Chatham, ON. He was considered “Fit”. A ‘Draft’ was dated for leaving Canada or the UK. He sailed from Halifax aboard the S.S. Missanabie 21/12/17 with the 1st Depot WOR. Previous to entering business in Chatham he had been in Toronto for about five years.
Lt. Byrd served in the 186th battalion, CEF from Feb. 15, 1916 until Mar. 21, 1917 when he was transferred as Adjutant of No.1 Special Service Company.
He acted in this capacity until Aug. 15 when he was made Assistant Adjutant of the First Depot Battalion WOH until proceeding overseas with a draft Dec 19.
He was stationed with the 4th Reserve Battalion, Bramshott Camp until the spring of 1918 when he proceeded to France with a draft for the 8th battalion.
It was while he was stationed at Bramshott with the 4th Reserve Batt. at the age of 32 years he was on sick leave 24/12/18 a disability due to Laryngitis – Bronchitis he was unfit for any service for at least 7 days. He had been granted a leave 20/01/18 and admitted to the No. XII General Hospital with a temperature of 101 degrees. He had a cough and a bad cold while coming over on the ship. He had to be taken to a Medical Board; “he has improved while on leave. He still has a slight cough – but it does not constitute a disability.” So said the Medical Board. And therefore “Fit for General Service”. Though his voice was still hoarse but was fit for general service.
He went overseas with a draft in December 1917.
It was reported the Lieut. Byrd was Missing In Action 31/08/18, it turned out he was Killed in action. During the operation in the vicinity of Via-en-Artoin, he was killed by enemy machine gun fire.
His service in France covered 19/12/17 to 31/08/18.
BYRD, ALFRED THOMAS Initials: A T Nationality: Canadian Rank: Lieutenant Regiment: Canadian Infantry (Manitoba Regiment) Unit Text: 8th Bn. Age: 34 Date of Death: 31/08/1918 Additional information: Son of Arthur J. and Louise Bird, of 203, Graham St., Woodstock, Ontario. Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead Grave/Memorial Reference: I. C. 4. Cemetery: VIS-EN-ARTOIS BRITISH CEMETERY, HAUCOURT. British Cemetery – Haucourt – Pas de Calais, France, Grave ref: I.C.4.
DIGITL COLLECTION: Photo A.T. Byrd. Toronto Star article: 17/09/18 and headstone.
There was a Miss Stella L. Gregory (RNS)from Exeter, ON. but nothing else. He was survived by two brothers in Toronto, Mr. E.H. Byrd of Dundas St. Weest and Mr. A. W. Byrd of 2 Queen St. East.
A news clipping after his death referenced his realestate and insurance in Chatham with business in Chatham and Toronto. He was survived by two brothers in Woodstock Mr. E. H. Byrd of Dundas St. W. and Mr. A. W. Byrd of 2 Queen St. East. On September 7th he was reported missing. Toronto Star 17/09/18.
Cenotaph | Chatham and Kent County Cenotaph - Chatham |
Sources | Chatham Daily Planet (10-09-1918), Park Street Methodist Church, Books of Remembrance for the Great War 1914 - 18. At St. Andrews UC, Chatham - January 2010, Park Street Methodist Church, Books of Remembrance for the Great War 1914 - 18. At St. Andrews UC, Chatham - January 2010, Chatham Daily Planet (30-09-1918), Chatham Daily Planet (08-01-1919), Chatham Daily Planet (27-09-1919), RG 150, Accession 1992-93/166, Box 1360 – 33, LAC, CVWM |
Supplemental Information | Age: 34 Date of Death: 31/08/1918 Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead Grave/Memorial Reference: I. C. 4. Cemetery: VIS-EN-ARTOIS BRITISH CEMETERY, HAUCOURT |
Height | 6' 3/4" |
Weight | 175 lbs. lbs |
Eye Colour | brown |
Age | 31 |
Complexion | dark |
Hair | brown |
Race | white |
Birthplace | 27/05/1884 at Woodstock, ON. |
Religion | Methodist |
Last Place of Employment | Real Estate Business, Chatham |
Marital Status | single |
When Enlisted | Nov. 15, 1915 |
Where Enlisted | Chatham |
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