Born 22/01/1919 at R. R. #5 Benheim, ON., the son of Merton and Ellen Burk of R.R. #5 Benheim, ON. Merton enlisted in the RCAF at Windsor, ON. He served for 3 years and 75 days and received the C.V.S.M. and Clasp and was discharged 6/02/1945. GOHS, BFL-B, NB, M. Houle.
According to his daughter Mary Ann Houle her “dad was twenty-two years old when he enlisted with his friend and neighbor John (Andrew) Allison (R137488). As times were tough and Merton was the youngest of five children, food was scarce. “The RCAF would offer clothing, meals and a steady, albeit small wage. Merton passed away 9/11/2009.
Sources | GOHS, BFL-B, NB, M. Houle |
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