Rank | Ordinary Telegrapher S.O., SO/Special Operator |
Service # | V81174 |
Unit # | R.C.N.V.R., Navy |
Resident | 100 Lacroix St., Chatham |

Born in Chatham, ON. in 1925. The son of Sarah Eve Brown of 100 Lacroix St., Chatham, ON. Bill enlisted in 1942 and served with the 2nd Kent Regt. on 13/03/1944. He was transferred to the RCNVR and enlisted at HMCS Hunter in Windsor, ON. O/S Bill Brown was stationed at St. Hyacinthe, PQ. He was reported in the CDN 24/07/44 to be home on a weekend leave to visit his mother on Lacroix St. His first ship was torpedoed in the St. Lawrence River. Bill was reported being home on a month’s furlough at his mother’s house CDN 6/11/44. He spent a year at sea making 15 voyages overseas before being discharged 3/10/1945 [B. Brown (son)]. Bill was reported being home on a month’s furlough at his mother’s house. CDN 6/11/44
Sources | IODE(P), StAUC-RH, LM-LP, NB(N) |
Birthplace | Chatham, Ontario |
Religion | Protestant |
When Enlisted | March 13th, 1944 |
Next of Kin | Mother- Mrs. Sarah Eva Brown |
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