Rank | Nursing Sister |
Unit # | CAMC |
Born in Chatham, ON 11/04/1873. RG 150, Accession1992 – 93/ 166 Box 1169 – 33, Item 69744, PDF 1169-S033. She was married to Captain J. Brown, RAMC, Holts, Whitechaple, London SW., London, England.
Prior to her enlistment, she was with St. John’s Ambulance and Matron of V.A.D. Hospital.
Attestation: 30/08/16 at London, ON. NS Brown served in Canada and in England, at the Granfille, Canadian Special Hospital. Located at Ramsgate, Kent, England it was a hospital that specialized in “Shell-Shocked cases”. Officially opened 30 June, 1916 it had received patients as early as 20 November, 1915. The hospital was originally a ‘posh’ hotel. It had space for 550 to 700 beds.
NS Brown also served at No. 4 Canadian General Hospital, Depot and the Red Cross Special Hospital on Terrace Road, Buxton, Devonshire, England.
Curators note: It was in 1916-17 that the influence of Canadian casualties in the Buxton area further increased the number and capacity of it’s hospitals. Opening 1 February, 1916, with 12 doctors and nurses, it remained in operation until 26 March 1919. It was further staffed by members of the Canadian Red Cross Society and had opened 275 beds. Primarily a hospital for Neurasthenia (Shell shock) it also attended to: rheumatism and arthritis, malaria and heart disease. JRH
Maude also served at No.16 Canadian General Hospital at Shorncliffe, England and finally at No.10 Manitoba Military Hospital and District Depot.
She was taken on strength at No. 4 Canadian General Hospital at Basingstoke 19 Sept., 1917 and struck off strength there 26 Oct. 1817.
A Medical Board convened 21 February, 1919 reported that NS Brown was suffering a gradual nervous breakdown following up three years of continuous service as a Nursing Sister. Her Neurological Report stated that NS Brown had “been on active service for close to upon 4 years, during all of which time she had been on continuous duty”.
Curators note: The sacrifice for duty to the injured soldiers of the Great War should have warranted a medal of high honour for these women.
NS Brown was discharged 15/05/1919 due to demobilization. She was reported living at 53 Hampton Court with her husband Dr. J. Brown in England.
Sources | War Memorials of Buxton,, A. Fisher, LAC |
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