The son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowen of 177 Grand Ave. East, Chatham. He enlisted 4 May of 1942 as a signaller. He was home from Kingston, ON where he was training at the age of nineteen years. CDN 27/08/42(P)
Went overseas in January 1942. Served in England, Sicily, Italy, France, Belgium and Holland. Was promoted to Corporal.
The CDN 12/06/44(P) reported the Cpl. then serving in the Canadian Army in Italy had found time to send his mother flowers for Mother’s Day.
Fred was discharged: July, 1945.
Sources | IODE(P), VR, HT-RH44, KCFA |
Birthplace | Petrolia |
Religion | Anglican |
When Enlisted | May 4th, 1942 |
Next of Kin | Mother- Mrs. Alberta Bowen |
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