William T. Bonnett spent 2 years with the 21st Regiment at Windsor.
William T. Bonnett enlisted at Windsor January 26th, 1918 with the 1st Depot Battalion. Went to France August 1918. Arrived at London, Ontario May 22nd, 1919.
Discharged at London due to demobilisation May 23rd, 1919.
Sources | IODE, Discharged (23-05-1919) |
Height | 5' 4 1/2" |
Eye Colour | Greyish Blue |
Age | 22 |
Complexion | Fair |
Hair | Light |
Race | English Canadian |
Birthplace | Walkerville, Ontario. |
Religion | Protestant |
Last Place of Employment | C.P.R. Car Ferry at Windsor. |
Average Earnings | $900.00 |
Marital Status | Married |
Marriage Info | December 19th, 1917, Sandwich, Ontario. |
When Enlisted | January 26th, 1918 |
Where Enlisted | Windsor, Ontario |
Allowance from Patriotic Fund | $5.00 |
Next of Kin | Wife- Mrs. W.M. Bonnet Sr. (Formerly Miss Lina Lowe of Chatham). |
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